Journal: Teaching Statistics

Found 85 papers in total
A Visual Model for the Variance and Standard Deviation
This paper shows how the variance and standard deviation can be represented...
Understanding Student Attempts to Find a Line of Fit
The least squares method of fitting a line is not one that naturally occurs to...
Formulating and Using Probability Density Functions with Familiar Geometric Shapes
This note shows how some density functions for continuous probability distributions...
Two Applications of Venn Diagrams
The Venn diagram is suggested as a graphical solution to conjunction fallacies and a...
When Should Zero be Included on a Scale Showing Magnitude?
This article addresses an important problem of graphing quantitative data: should one...
Data and Dialogue in Primary School
Many primary school teachers will have not heard of the data-handling cycle as set out...
Putting Cognitive Science Behind a Statistics Teacher's Intuition
Recent advances in cognitive science have led to an enriched understanding of how...
Using Pictures to Enhance Students' Understanding of Bayes' Theorem
Students often have difficulty understanding algebraic proofs of statistics theorems....
Use the Correlation Coefficient to Summarize Regression Performance?
The correlation coefficient is commonly used to indicate the quality of fit in...
Cheating Partners, Conditional Probability and Contingency Tables
Developing statistical literacy for older school students includes recognizing and...
Employing Introductory Statistics Students at ‘Stats Dairy’
To combat students' fear of statistics I employ my students at a fictional company,...
Consecutive Successes: A Recursive Approach
This article illustrates the importance of one's initial thoughts in problem solving...
Teaching prospect theory with the Deal or No Deal game show
Recent evidence indicates that decision makers are more sensitive to potential losses...
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