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Journal: Agricultural Systems
487 papers
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Analysing trade-offs in resource and labour allocation by smallholder farmers using inverse modelling techniques: a case-study from Kakamega district, western Kenya
Tittonell P.
Smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa face multiple trade-offs when deciding on the...
A mathematical approach to comparing environmental and economic goals in dairy farming: Identifying strategic development options
Keulen H. van
Instead of continuously adapting current dairy farming systems according to the ruling...
Assessing the critical factors affecting the viability of small-scale dairy farms in the Punjab region of Pakistan to inform agricultural extension programmes
Cain Philip
Agriculture in the Punjab province of eastern Pakistan benefits from one of the...
LUSE, a decision support system for exploration of rural land use allocation: Application to the Terra Chá district of Galicia (N.W. Spain)
Sant Ins
This article describes LUSE, a system for exploration of rural land use allocations...
Conversion to organic arable farming in The Netherlands: A dynamic linear programming analysis
Berentsen P.B.M.
Several studies show that organic farming is more profitable than conventional...
Modeling farm-level strategies for improving food safety in the dairy chain
Huirne Ruud B.M.
Increasing public awareness of food safety concerns, together with the recognized...
Modelling optimal crop sequences using network flows
Detlefsen Nina K.
In recent years there has been an increased focus on sustainable farming systems. This...
A simulation-based analysis of productivity and soil carbon in response to time-controlled rotational grazing in the West African Sahel region
Badini Oumarou
In the Sahel region of West Africa, the traditional organization of the population and...
Carbon sequestration from common property resources: Lessons from community-based sustainable pasture management in north–central Mali
Roncoli Carla
Carbon sequestration in soils has been presented as a potential mechanism to enhance...
An optimization model for the management of a South African game ranch
Luhandjula M.K.
Management of a game ranch is an important issue as many game ranches operate on...
The impact of water and agriculture policy scenarios on irrigated farming systems in Italy: An analysis based on farm level multi-attribute linear programming models
Viaggi D.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of agriculture and water policy...
Time scales as a factor in decision-making by French farmers on weed management in annual crops
Morlon Pierre
The aim of this research was to improve the advice given by extension institutions to...
Coordination in irrigation systems: An analysis of the Lansing–Kremer model of Bali
Janssen Marco A.
Farmers within irrigation systems, such as those in Bali, solve complex coordination...
Exploring improved pesticide management in sub-tropical environments with GIS-supported fate modeling
Ares Jorge O.
The sensitivity analysis of pesticide models to input parameters related to crop...
Profit-maximizing seeding rates and replanting thresholds for soybean: Maturity group interactions in the Mid-South
Popp Michael P.
Considerable interest in adopting earlier-maturing soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.]...
Multi-criteria policy scenario analysis for public regulation of irrigated agriculture
Gmez-Limn Jos A.
This paper presents a methodological approach to the analysis of various combinations...
The production efficiency of intercropping annual and perennial crops in southern Ethiopia: A comparison of distance functions and production frontiers
Alene Arega D.
This study measures the efficiency of intercropping systems of annual and perennial...
Economics of the impact of alternative rice cropping systems on subsistence farming: Whole-farm analysis in northern Ghana
Langyintuo Augustine S.
Reducing fallow periods with sown leguminous plants (i.e., Callopogonium mucunoides )...
Assessing the options for upland livestock systems under CAP reform: Developing and applying a livestock systems model within whole-farm systems analysis
Matthews K.B.
This paper presents a scenario-based analysis of the impacts of Common Agricultural...
A simulation model to predict body weight gain in growing steers grazing tropical pastures
Mendoza M. Germn D.
A simulation model was developed to predict performance of growing steers grazing...
Intensification or extensification? Factors affecting technology use in peri-urban lowlands along an agro-ecological gradient in West Africa
Erenstein Olaf
The paper analyses whether the increased use of lowlands in proximity to urban centres...
A rule-based method for the development of crop management systems applied to grain sorghum in south-western France
Debaeke Philippe
A generic approach is proposed for the development and testing of crop management...
Bio-economic evaluation of farmers' perceptions of viable farms in western Kenya
Thornton P.K.
Arable land in western Kenya is under considerable pressure from increasing human...
New technologies, marketing strategies and public policy for traditional food crops: Millet in Niger
Sanders John H.
New technology introduction in this semiarid region of the Sahel is hypothesized to be...
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