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Journal: International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
131 papers
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Tightly coupled governance for loosely coupled wicked problems: the train explosion in Lac-Mégantic case
Therrien MarieChristine
Risk management is based on a network of actors, interdependent of each other where...
Dependencies in enterprise networks and its influence on a focal company's global strategy: a theoretical analysis
Zrikem Maria
Ensuring the best operation of the network is a complex task. To succeed in this...
Modelling and analysis of availability for critical interdependent infrastructures
Shafiee M
The requirement for improving the availability level of critical infrastructures has...
An empirical study on customer risk management in banking industry: applying k-means and RFM methods (evidence from two Iranian private banks)
Mousavipour Seyedhamed
This paper aims to study customer risk management in the banking industry. For this...
Practical implementation of scenario generation-based risk analysis of electrical grids investment projects
Carvalho Pedro M S
This paper proposes a risk analysis methodology to complement the traditional...
Assessment of risks and control conditions for some scenarios on unauthorised usage of nuclear materials
Masterov Sergey Victorovich
Conditions of nuclear materials secure management inside the nuclear sites as well as...
Theory and regulation of liquidity risk management in banking
Scannella Enzo
Liquidity risk is now more important than it used to be in the past. The financial...
The availability of consumer credit during financial crises
Pesic Valerio
This paper aims to provide an outline of the main factors characterising the demand...
Decreasing information asymmetry by sharing business data: a case of business non-payers sharing agency
Perko Igor
The primary source of data published about a company is the company itself....
Innovative start-ups and equity crowdfunding
Lombardi Rosa
This paper aims to analyse the development process of innovative start‐ups with...
Capital requirements and credit policies in Italy: what effects do they have?
Leo Sabrina
The lending policies of European banks have been affected both by the effects of Basel...
Impact of demographic factors on household financial decisions - evidence from Poland
Borda Marta
This paper addresses the problem of demographic trends in Poland in terms of their...
Is the minimum amount of coverage from motor third party liability insurance enough to cover personal injuries?
Jedrzychowska Anna
MTPL insurance is the most common insurance in Europe; in most countries, it is...
Coastal inundation multi-hazard analysis for a construction site in Malaysia
Nadim Farrokh
Coastal inundation due to multiple hazards was analysed for a potential manufacturing...
The challenge of quantifying and modelling risk elements within collaborative infrastructures
Lever Kirsty E
The rapid integration and dependence upon information and communication technologies...
Linking causal factors and the human element in maritime accidents using K-means clustering
Lema Eva
It is widely accepted that a shipping accident is a result of many factors. The human...
Bayesian network to predict environmental risk of a possible ship accident
Nivolianitou Zoe S
This paper presents a probabilistic model predicting the risk of a possible ship...
A flood wave disaster recovery model for under construction dam projects: findings from Greece
Anthopoulos Leonidas
Dam design and construction teams respect flood wave risks, they perform estimations...
A multicriteria risk measure in a military context: application to the Commander's Advisory System for Airspace Protection case
Guitouni Adel
The risk management reference manual to be addressed to the Canadian Forces describes...
In search of an Italian risk culture: prevalent approaches towards disasters among experts, survivors and people at risk of natural and industrial hazards
Cornia Alessio
The article analyses the risk cultures emerging from interviews and focus groups...
Advances in risk and crisis communication
Chakraborty Sweta
This article describes how advances in social and decision sciences have enhanced the...
Risk culture and crisis communication
Dressel Kerstin
This paper continues with the discourse on risk cultures that was prominently...
Risk management practices - empirical evidence from Indian corporates
Yadav Surendra S
The purpose of this paper is to describe the current practices of risk management in...
Another case of 'same bed, different dreams'? Assessing divergence and multidimensionality in energy evaluations and implications for interdisciplinary research and energy management
Nippa Michael
This study represents an in‐depth effort to investigate divergence and...
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