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Found 17049 papers in total
Two-stage robust network flow and design under demand uncertainty
We describe a two-stage robust optimization approach for solving network flow and...
Bias and variance approximation in value function estimates
We consider a finite-state, finite-action, infinite-horizon, discounted reward Markov...
A model reference adaptive search method for global optimization
Model reference adaptive search (MRAS) for solving global optimization problems works...
Characterization of binomial semivalues through delegation games
Semivalues are allocation rules for cooperative games that assign to each player in a...
Minimizing information loss and preserving privacy
The need to hide sensitive information before sharing databases has long been...
Interval scheduling: a survey
In interval scheduling, not only the processing times of the jobs but also their...
Electronic markets for truckload transportation
A wide variety of electronic marketplace formats are used in the Truckload (TL)...
Integrated airline fleeting and crew-pairing decisions
The tactical planning process of an airline is typically decomposed into several...
The statistical mechanics of complex product development: empirical and analytical results
In recent years, understanding the structure and function of complex networks has...
Cooperation in evolving social networks
We study the problem of cooperative behavior emerging in an environment where...
From story line to box office: a new approach for green-lighting movie scripts
Movie studios often have to choose among thousands of scripts to decide which ones to...
Static and dynamic order scheduling for recreational rental vehicles at Tourism Holdings Limited
Tourism Holdings Limited (THL), with 14 locations in Australia and New Zealand,...
Index policies for shooting problems
We consider a scenario in which a single Red wishes to shoot at a collection of Blue...
An analysis of short-term responses to threats of terrorism
Two important defensive mechanisms available to governments combating terrorism are...
Steaming on convex hulls
This is a sea story about using a simple classroom example to save a great deal of...
Ranked items auctions and online advertisement
We study auctions for a set of commonly-ranked items where each buyer has unit demand....
Building efficient product portfolios at John Deere and Company
John Deere & Company (Deere), one of the world’s leading producers of...
Managing product variety in automobile assembly: the importance of the sequencing point
In recent years, globalization of markets and increased consumer sophistication have...
Indian auto-component supply chain at the crossroads
We trace the evolution of the auto-component supply chain in India beginning with the...
Simple models of influenza progression within a heterogeneous population
The focus of this ‘OR framing paper’ is to introduce the operations...
Implementing new practices: an empirical study of organizational learning in hospital intensive care units
This paper contributes to research on organizational learning by investigating...
Nurse scheduling: from academia to implementation or not?
The scheduling of nursing staff is a long-standing problem with myriads of research...
Service performance analysis and improvement for a ticket queue with balking customers
Queueing systems managed by ticket technology are widely used in service industries as...
A screening technique for joint chance-constrained programming for air-quality management
This technical note presents a screening technique for using chance-constrained...
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