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A Bayesian sequential single machine scheduling problem to minimize the expected weighted sum of flowtimes of jobs with exponential processing times
Hamada Toshio
In this paper, the authors consider a scheduling problem in which m classes, J 1 ,J 2...
Analysis of heuristics for preemptive parallel machine scheduling with batch setup times
Monma Clyde L.
The problem of preemptively scheduling N jobs on M identical parallel machines to...
The Russell-Yasuda kasai model: An asset/liability model for a Japanese insurance company using multistage stochastic programming
Ziemba William T.
Frank Russell Company and The Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., developed an...
The effect of a large shareholder on corporate value
Huddart Steven
This article analyzes the value of a corporation as a function of its ownership...
Cyclic transfer algorithms for multivehicle routing and scheduling problems
Psaraftis Harilaos N.
This paper investigates the application of a new class of neighborhood search...
BPSS: A scheduling support system for the packaging industry
Pinedo Michael
This paper describes a scheduling support system for plants that produce multiply...
Worldwide nuclear coalition games: A valuation of strategic offensive and defensive forces
Bracken Jerome
Methods are proposed for the valuation of strategic offensive and defensive force...
Investigating the sensitivity of equilibrium profits to advertising dynamics and competitive effects
Chintagunta Pradeep K.
The paper investigates the validity of the ‘flat maximum principle’-the...
Optimizing ship berthing
Lawphongpanich Siriphong
Ship berthing plans reserve a location for inbound U.S. Navy surface vessels prior to...
Risk management for the tiles of the space shuttle
Pat-Cornell M.-Elisabeth
The tiles of the space shuttle orbiter are critical to its safety at reentry, and...
Allocating games for the NHL using integer programming
Ferland Jacques A.
In recent years, the National Hockey League (NHL) expanded from 21 to 24 teams. In...
The on-time machines: Some analyses of airline punctuality
Barnett Arnold
The Department of Transportation (DOT) rates commercal airlines’ on-time...
A method for measuring the spatial concentration of airline travel demand
Chou Yue-Hong
The index of spatial concentration is defined as the maximum cumulative proportion of...
Continuous and discrete demand hub location problems
Campbell James F.
Hub and spoke designs have been adopted by many air carriers and motor carriers in...
Coldstart: Fleet assignment at Delta Air Lines
Subramanian Radhika
Delta Air Lines flies over 2500 domestic flight legs every day, using about 450...
The effect of motorist information on commuter behavior: Classification of drivers into commuter groups
Barfield Woodrow
This paper describes a methodology originally devised for analysis of travel-activity...
A simplified theory of kinematic waves in highway traffic. Part I: General theory
Newell Gordon F.
In the theory of ‘kinematic waves,’ as described originally by Lighthill...
A simplified theory of kinematic waves in highway traffic. Part II: Queueing at freeway bottlenecks
Newell Gordon F.
For a freeway having various entrance and exit ramps, the methods described in Part I...
A simplified theory of kinematic waves in highway traffic. Part III: Multi-destination flows
Newell Gordon F.
Suppose that one specifies the times at which vehicles enter each freeway junction and...
Technologies for improving transportation energy efficiency in the developing world
Komor Paul
Transport services are a key component of economic development. In many developing...
Sequential models to determine intercity commodity transportation demand
Ashtakala B.
The objective of this study is to determine the demand for commodity transportation...
The effects of incentive compensation contracts on the risk and return performance of commodity trading advisors
Golec Joseph H.
This paper shows that commodity trading advisors’ (CTAs) investment performance...
Determining origin-destination matrices and optimal multiproduct flows for freight transportation over multimodal networks
Florian Michael
The authors consider a normative transshipment problem for freight flows over a...
Stochastic dedication: Designing fixed income portfolios using massively parallel Benders decomposition
Eckstein Jonathan
Drawing on recent developments in discrete time fixed income options theory, the...
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