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Tatonnement procedures for linearly constrained convex optimization
Kallio Markku
The emphasis in this article is to exploit the fact that precision requirements for...
Likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis for Markovian models of highly dependable systems
Glynn Peter W.
This paper discusses the application of the likelihood ratio gradient estimator to...
Mean-variance tradeoffs in an undiscounted MDP
Sobel Matthew J.
A startionary policy and an initial state in an MDP (Markov decision process) induce a...
Fenchel cutting planes for integer programs
Boyd E. Andrew
A technique for generating cutting planes for integer programs is introduced that is...
Cross decomposition applied to integer programming problems: Duality gaps and convexification in parts
Holmberg Kaj
The paper studies the lower bounds on the optimal objective function value of linear...
Sample path derivatives for (s,S) inventory systems
Fu Michael C.
For ( s,S) inventory systems, the paper derives sample path derivatives of performance...
Mean-variance tradeoffs in an undiscounted MDP: The unichain case
Chung Kun-Jen
The problem analyzed here is the computation of Pareto optima in the sense of high...
Finite-memory suboptimal design for partially observed Markov decision processes
White Chelsea C.
The authors develop bounds on the value function and a suboptimal design for the...
Markov decision processes with imprecise transition probabilities
White Chelsea C.
The authors present new numerical algorithms and bounds for the infinite horizon,...
Note: Pairwise rearrangements in reliability structures
Koutras M.V.
Boland, Proschan, and Tong used the notion of criticality of nodes in a coherent...
Machine learning and simulation: Application in queuing systems
Khoshnevis B.
Machine learning algorithms have application potential in simulation at stages of...
Optimal prices of an M/G/1 jobshop
Johansen Sren Glud
This paper concerns the optimal control of input to a FIFO jobshop with a single...
Explaining organizational diseconomies of scale in R&D: Agency problems and the allocation of engineering talent, ideas and effort by firm size
Zenger Todd R.
The comparative efficiency and success of small firms in R&D remains largely...
A priori optimization of the probabilistic traveling salesman problem
Laporte Gilbert
The probabilistic traveling salesman problem (PTSP) is defined on a graph G=(V,E),...
Optimal control policy for stochastic inventory systems with Markovian discount opportunities
Zheng Yu-sheng
This paper studies a single-item continuous-review inventory system with Poisson...
A Procurement Decision Support System in business volume discount environments
Sadrian Amir A.
Emergence of a new discount pricing schedule called Business Volume Discount becomes a...
Optimal scheduling of a flexible-duration rest period for a work group
Bechtold Stephen E.
All previous modeling research involving optimization of performance associated with...
A decision theory approach to priority dispatching for job shop scheduling
Kanet John J.
Recent developments in the design of job shop scheduling systems have inspired a new...
Scheduling a flexible machining system with a dynamic tool movement
Webster S.
A recent trend in flexible machining systems is the growth in systems comprised of...
Staging problem of a dual delivery pick-and-place machine in printed circuit card assembly
Ahmadi Reza H.
This paper addresses a material staging problem arising from a dual delivery...
Economic lot scheduling problem with raw material considerations
Joneja Dev
The authors extend the traditional model of the economic lot scheduling problem by...
Sole sourcing versus dual sourcing under stochastic demands and lead times
Benton W.C.
The use of a single vendor for each inventoried item is usually assumed in most of the...
Optimal expulsion control-A dual approach to admission control of an ordered-entry system
Shanthikumar J. George
In this paper the authors obtain the optimal admission control policy for a...
New lower and upper bounds for scheduling around a small common due date
Velde S.L. van de
The authors consider the single-machine problem of scheduling n jobs to minimize the...
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