Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Analysis of the biological clock decision
The decisions of if and when to have a first child are very important for any woman or...
The effect of competitive advertising interference on sales for packaged goods
Competitive advertising interference can occur when viewers of advertising for a focal...
A decision tree model for evaluating countermeasures to secure cargo at United States southwestern ports of entry
This paper presents a decision tree model for evaluating countermeasures to reduce...
An interactive search method based on user preferences
This paper presents a general method for interactively searching for objects...
A comparison of two probability encoding methods: Fixed probability vs. Fixed variable values
We present the results of an experiment comparing two popular methods for encoding...
Aggregating probabilistic forecasts from incoherent and abstaining experts
Decision makers often rely on expert opinion when making forecasts under uncertainty....
Competition and diversification effects in supply chains with supplier default risk
We study the effects of disruption risk in a supply chain where one retailer deals...
Inspection and replenishment policies for systems with inventory record inaccuracy
For many companies, inventory record inaccuracy is a major obstacle to achieving...
Managing a bank's currency inventory under new federal reserve guidelines
New currency recirculation guidelines implemented by the Federal Reserve System (Fed)...
Optimal due date assignment and resource allocation to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine
With the increased emphasis on the effective management of operational issues in...
Inventory, speculation, and sourcing strategies in the presence of online exchanges
We study how online business‐to‐business (B2B) exchanges affect...
Two-wholesale-price contracts: Push, pull, and advance-purchase discount contracts
The allocation of inventory ownership affects the inventory availability in a supply...
Implementation of the newsvendor model with clearance pricing: How to (and how not to) estimate a salvage value
The newsvendor model is designed to decide how much of a product to order when the...
Decentralization cost in scheduling: A game-theoretic approach
Decentralized organizations may incur inefficiencies because of scheduling issues...
Coordination mechanisms for supply chains under price and service competition
In a decentralized supply chain, with long–term competition between independent...
Risk ownership in contract manufacturing
We consider a supply chain where a contract manufacturer (CM) serves a number of...
Project performance and the enabling role of information technology: An exploratory study on the role of alignment
As firms focus on new product, process, and service innovations, improving the...
Examining the influence of operational intellectual capital on capabilities and performance
Managers have long been challenged by an abundance of internal and external demands...
Customer efficiency, channel usage, and firm performance in retail banking
Innovations in technology and service design have increasingly enabled firms to...
Store manager incentive design and retail performance: An exploratory investigation
Store managers perform multiple tasks within a store, and the way in which they are...
The effect of operational performance and focus on profitability: A longitudinal study of the US airline industry
We study the impact of operational performance on profitability in the context of the...
An empirical study of system improvement by frontline employees in hospital units
This paper investigates the conditions under which frontline employees take initiative...
Estimating demand uncertainty using judgmental forecasts
Measuring demand uncertainty is a key activity in supply chain planning, but it is...
In search of the bullwhip effect
The bullwhip effect is the phenomenon of increasing demand variability in the supply...
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