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Found 17049 papers in total
The effect of the stabilization period on the economic lot scheduling problem
The Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) is the problem of scheduling production of...
Lot streaming with attached setups in three-machine flow shops
Lot streaming is the process of splitting a job or lot to allow overlapping between...
Efficient Lagrangian relaxation algorithms for industry size job-shop scheduling problems
We improve the job specific decomposition Lagrangian relaxation algorithm applied to...
Mixed-model assembly line scheduling using the Lagrangian relaxation technique
The increasing market demand for product variety forces manufacturers to design...
A method for scheduling in parallel manufacturing systems with flexible resources
We address the Parallel-Machine Flexible-Resource Scheduling (PMFRS) problem of...
Parallel machine scheduling about an unrestricted due date and additional resource constraints
This research considers the problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines with an...
Control of multiproduct bulk server diffusion/oxidation processes. Part 2: Multiple servers
We investigate how knowledge of future arrivals can be used to control bulk server...
On satisfying due-dates in large job shops: Idle time insertion
We consider the problem of minimizing maximum lateness in a job shop. A conceptually...
Robust scheduling of a two-machine flow shop with uncertain processing times
This paper focuses on manufacturing environments where job processing times are...
Error bound for common due date assignment and job scheduling on parallel machines
We consider a heuristic which has been applied to assign a common due date to a set of...
Scheduling operations on parallel machine tools
We introduce unique scheduling problems that arise for multiple spindle machine tools....
The use of flowlines to simplify routing complexity in two-stage flowshops
Flexible manufacturing systems are often designed as flowshops supported by automated...
The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem: Common cycle, rework, and variable production rate
The economic lot and delivery scheduling problem is to simultaneously determine the...
Scheduling with generalized batch delivery dates and earliness penalties
In this paper, we study some single machine scheduling problems with generalized batch...
Conceptual modeling of an object-oriented scheduling architecture based on the shifting bottleneck procedure
The importance of finite-capacity schedulers is increasing, with respect to the...
Control of manufacturing networks which contain a batch processing machine
We consider the control of a batch processing machine which is part of a larger...
An exact approach to minimizing total weighted tardiness with release dates
The study deals with scheduling a set of independent jobs with unequal release dates...
A single-period perishable inventory model where deterioration begins at a random point in time
This paper develops a single-period inventory model where the stock begins to...
One-machine, N-product-type, continuous-time scheduling with a common due date: A polynomially solvable case
The paper analyzes a manufacturing system made up of one-machine which produces...
Implementing an optimal policy for set-up time reduction in an economic production quantity model
An economic production quantity (EPQ) system consisting of single and multiple items...
A look-ahead routing procedure for machine selection in a highly informative manufacturing system
Many dispatching rules have been developed for the on-line control of product flow in...
Relative positioning of a load extractor for a storage carousel
The use of carousels in manufacturing for the storage of work-in-process items is very...
Supply chain coordination when demand is shelf-space dependent
Consider a manufacturer or wholesaler who supplies some item to retailers facing...
A software cost model with warranty cost, error removal times and risk costs
In this paper, a software cost model with a warranty period and cost, a cost to remove...
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