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Found 17049 papers in total
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the undirected selective traveling salesman problem
The Selective Traveling Salesman Problem (STSP) is defined on a graph in which profits...
Waiting time analysis for a queueing system with time-limited service for exponential timer
We consider a single-queue with exhaustive or gated time-limited services and server...
On mutually interfering parallel servers subject to external disturbances
This paper considers a continuous-time non-Markovian parallel queueing system subject...
Dynamic control of a queue with adjustable service rate
We consider a single-server queue with Poisson arrivals, where holding costs are...
Alan Pritsker's multifaceted career: Theory, practice, education, entrepreneurship, and service
In this lead article for the special issue of IIE Transactions honoring Alan Pritsker,...
Selecting a good system: Procedures and inference
We present two-stage experiment designs for use in simulation experiments that compare...
A methodology for developing a web-based factory simulator for manufacturing education
Historically, manufacturing engineering education has focused on teaching mathematical...
Experimental frames in a modern modeling and simulation system
We investigate the experimental frame concept for discrete event simulation. We first...
Efficient distributed simulation through dynamic load balancing
With recent advances in parallel computation, distributed simulation has become a...
Biased control-variate estimation
We study Biased Control Variates (BCVs), whose purpose is to improve the efficiency of...
A frequency domain metamodeling approach to transient sensitivity analysis
This paper develops a metamodel approach to approximate the transient relationship...
Stochastic root finding via retrospective approximation
Given a user-provided Monte Carlo simulation procedure to estimate a function at any...
New two-stage and sequential procedures for selecting the best simulated system
Standard ‘indifference-zone’ procedures that allocate computer resources...
Input distribution selection for simulation experiments: Accounting for input uncertainty
A number of authors have identified problematic issues with techniques used in current...
Research in object-oriented manufacturing simulations: An assessment of the state of the art
Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been revolutionizing software development and...
Non-Monotonicity, Chaos and Combat Models
While few combat modelers claim absolution predictivity for their models, many suggest...
A taxonomy for simulation modeling based on programming language principles
Although many diverse areas employ simulation models, no agreed-upon taxonomy has been...
A fast scaling algorithm for minimizing separable convex functions subject to chain constraints
We consider the problem of minimizing Σ j∈N C j ( x j ), subject to the...
Sphericity error evaluation: Theoretical derivation and algorithm development
Several methods for the evaluation of sphericity error exist. The Minimum Radial...
Modeling information systems planning benefits using alternating conditional expectations
This paper addresses the dearth of research on the determinants of IS planning...
Cautions on the use of the SERVQUAL measure to assess the quality of information systems services
The SERVQUAL questionnaire of Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, is one of the...
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