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Found 17049 papers in total
Singular arcs in the optimal evasion against a proportional navigation vehicle
The two-dimensional optimal evasion problem against a proportional navigation pursuer...
Optimization of multistage vapour compression systems using genetic algorithms. Part 1: Vapour compression system model
The vapour compression cycle is the most common type of refrigeration cycle in use...
Many-player rendezvous search: Stick together or split and meet?
Rendezvous search finds the strategies that players should use in order to find one...
Optimization of multistage vapour compression systems using genetic algorithms. Part 2: Application of genetic algorithm and results
Genetic algorithms involve the coding of a solution into a binary string in the same...
Rendezvous search when marks are left at the starting points
Leaving marks at the starting points in a rendezvous search problem may provide the...
On stop-loss strategies for stock investments
This paper studies the expected return of a stock investment with a stop-loss...
More on the search for an infiltrator
We have asymptotically solved a discrete search game on an array of n ordered cells...
Optimal insurance against climatic experience
An optimal insurance contract against a climatic risk is derived in the presence of an...
Detection of a Markovian target with optimization of the search efforts under generalized linear constraints
This paper deals with search for a target following a Markovian movement or a...
Fixed costs, efficient resource management, and conservation
This article develops a framework to analyze the impacts on resource development of...
Rendezvous of three agents on the line
This paper considers a three-person rendezvous problem on the line which was...
Are best-management-practice criteria really environmentally friendly?
In the 1990s, a number of best management practices (BMPs) manuals have been developed...
Rendezvous search on labeled networks
Two players are independently placed on a commonly labelled network X . They cannot...
Risk management for future military forces: Mapping asymmetric hazards
In the early 1990s the Army set the goal of incorporating risk management into all...
Risk-based methodology for support of operations other than war
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, the United States military has increasingly...
The interaction of skill and technology in combat
Is advanced technology so important that we should accept training scale-backs, if...
Scaling analysis of wireless local area network technology to large scale battlefields
The recent Extended Littoral Battlespace (ELB) Advanced Concept Technology...
A network disruption modeling tool
Identifying network components, which when targeted will effectively disrupt a...
How game theory fails to explain man
We analyze human decision making experimentally in a simple air campaign model...
Vehicle travel time models for automated guided vehicle systems under various dispatching rules
The design and evaluation of AGV-based material handling systems are highly complex...
Lanchester's equations and the structure of the operational campaign: Between-campaign effects
The main thrust of this paper is to reconcile common combat modelling practice with...
Performance analysis in the selection of imagery intelligence satellites
In 1999, the National Reconnaissance Office was ready to buy a complete replacement...
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