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Complexity of a noninterior path-following method for the linear complementarity problem
Xu S.
We study the complexity of a noninterior path-following method for the linear...
Local behavior of the Newton method on two equivalent systems from linear programming
Zhang Y.
Newton's method is a fundamental technique underlying many numerical methods for...
Polyhedral separability through successive LP
Gaudioso M.
We address the problem of discriminating between two finite point sets A and B in the...
Court strategies in the appropriations process: The Oklahoma case
Douglas James W.
Little is known about the strategies used by state courts during the appropriations...
The multiplicative representation for multiple objectives optimization with an application for arms procurement
Brauers Willem K.
Multiple Objectives Optimization is much seen in combination with linear functions and...
Solving the undirected multicommodity flow problem using a shortest path-based pricing algorithm
McBride Richard D.
The undirected multicommodity flow problem is encountered in the solution to...
A risk function for the stochastic modeling of electric capacity expansion
Marn A.
We present a stochastic optimization model for planning capacity expansion under...
On the traveling salesman problem restricted to inputs satisfying a relaxed triangle inequality
Andreae Thomas
For a finite set X , let c be a mapping which assigns to every two-element subset { u,...
A polynomial algorithm for a constrained traveling salesman problem
Rubinstein J.H.
We give a polynomial-time algorithm for finding a solution to the Traveling Salesman...
Pricing public information: The case of Norwegian government policymaking
Gottschalk Petter
A paradox seems to emerge when public information is priced without associated costs...
An elementary introduction to auctions
Rothkopf Michael H.
An auction designer faces many questions. Among the questions are what precisely is to...
Single server tandem queues and queueing networks with non-correlated successive service times
Gall Pierre Le
To evaluate the local actual queueing delay in general single server queueing networks...
The MX/G/1 queue with queue length dependent service times
Choi Bong Dae
We deal with the M X /G/1 queue where service times depend on the queue length at the...
On the use of second-order descriptors to predict queueing behavior of Markovian arrival processes
Nielsen Bo Friis
The contributions of this paper are the following: We derive a formula for the IDI...
Simulation of back-deck operations on a marine seismic vessel
Gavirneni Srinagesh
Marine seismic vessels deploy exploration equipment from their back decks in...
Conditioning on one-step survival for barrier option simulations
Glasserman Paul
Pricing financial options often requires Monte Carlo methods. One particular case is...
Simple procedures for selecting the best simulated system when the number of alternatives is large
Goldsman David
In this paper, we address the problem of finding the simulated system with the best...
A multiplicative decomposition property of the screening-and-selection procedures of Nelson et al
Wilson James R.
Recently, Nelson et al . formulated a class of combined screening-and-selection...
An illustrative application of IDEA (imprecise data envelopment analysis) to a Korean mobile telecommunication company
Yu Gang
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models, as ordinarily employed, assume that the data...
Estimating the probability that a simulated system will be the best
Nelson Barry L.
Consider a stochastic simulation experiment consisting of v independent vector...
Optimal linear filtering of general multidimensional Gaussian processes and its application to Laplace transforms of quadratic functionals
Kleptsyna M.L.
The optimal filtering problem for multidimensional continuous possibly non-Markovian,...
Linking operations management students directly to the real world
Ahire Sanjay L.
Linking business students in operations management (OM) directly to real-world...
Preparing our students to be newsvendors
Carraway Robert L.
Teachers of management science in schools of business use a variety of criteria in...
The ethical OR/MS professional
Howard Ronald A.
A profession, since it affects the lives of others, must have ethics. Actions can be...
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