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Found 17049 papers in total
Managing Customer Experiences: Perspectives on the Temporal Aspects of Service Encounters
A service encounter is an experience that extends over time. Therefore, its effective...
Demand Allocation in Systems with Multiple Inventory Locations and Multiple Demand Sources
We consider the problem of allocating demand that originates from multiple sources...
Workforce Design with Movement Restrictions Between Workstation Groups
This paper is concerned with the problem of determining the optimal size and...
Data Set—Real-World Multiechelon Supply Chains Used for Inventory Optimization
This data set describes 38 multiechelon supply chains that have been implemented in...
Structural Properties of Buyback Contracts for Price-Setting Newsvendors
This paper studies a buyback contract in the Stackelberg framework of a manufacturer...
Hereditary Portfolio Optimization with Taxes and Fixed Plus Proportional Transaction CostsPart II
This paper is the continuation of the paper entitled Hereditary portfolio optimization...
LP Rounding Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Network Design
We study the Steiner tree problem and the single–cable single–sink network...
A multiperiod newsvendor problem with partially observed demand
We consider a newsvendor problem with partially observed Markovian demand. Demand is...
Loss rates for Lévy processes with two reflecting barriers
We consider a Lévy process that is reflected at 0 and at K < 0. The...
Recurrences in an infection model: A medical application of GI/M/s loss systems
We consider a simple model for the evolution of a bacterial infection and its...
Existence of approximate exact penalty in constrained optimization
In this paper, we use the penalty approach in order to study constrained minimization...
Pseudomonotonicity and economic equilibrium problem in reflexive Banach space
The motivation for this paper is the Walrasian general equilibrium model of economy,...
Secret correlation in repeated games with imperfect monitoring: the need for nonstationary strategies
The minmax in repeated games with imperfect monitoring can differ from the minmax of...
Secret correlation in repeated games with imperfect monitoring
We characterize the maximum payoff that a team can guarantee against another in a...
On the closedness of the linear image of a closed convex cone
When is the linear image of a closed convex cone closed? We present very simple...
Risk-sensitive and risk-neutral multiarmed bandits
For the multiarmed bandit, the classic result is probabilistic: each state of each...
Approximation algorithms for stochastic inventory control models
We consider two classical stochastic inventory control models, the...
On scheduling fees to prevent merging, splitting, and transferring of jobs
A deterministic server is shared by users with identical linear waiting costs,...
On the undecidability of computing stationary distributions and large deviation rates for constrained random walks
We consider a constrained homogeneous random walk in ℤ+d. Such random walks...
Awareness Displays and Social Motivation for Coordinating Communication
Researchers and designers have been building awareness displays to improve the...
On Vendor Preferences for Contract Types in Offshore Software Projects: The Case of Fixed Price vs. Time and Materials Contracts
Prior research has indicated that, on average, offshore vendors have higher profits...
Marketspace or Marketplace? Online Information Search and Channel Outcomes in Auto Retailing
The growth of the Internet has spawned an increasing number of online information...
Addressing the What and How of Online Services: Positioning Supporting-Services Functionality and Service Quality for Business-to-Consumer Success
With the continued growth of business–to–consumer (B2C) e–business,...
Capacity Provision Networks: Foundations of Markets for Sharable Resources in Distributed Computational Economies
With the rapid growth of rich–media content over the Internet, content and...
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