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Found 17049 papers in total
Effects of an afternoon nap on nighttime alertness and performance in long-haul drivers
The effects of an afternoon nap on alertness and psychomotor performance were assessed...
Process monitoring strategies for surface mount manufacturing processes
Establishing reliable surface mount assemblies requires robust design and assembly...
Constraint and integer programming in OPL (Optimization Programming Language)
In recent years, it has been increasingly recognized that constraint and integer...
A stochastic integer program with dual network structure and its application to the ground-holding problem
In this paper, we analyze a generalization of a classic network-flow model. The...
The role of integer programming techniques in constraint programming's global constraints
Efforts aimed at combining operations research and constraint programming have become...
Improving crew scheduling by incorporating key maintenance routing decisions
Crew costs are the second-largest operating expense faced by the airline industry,...
Addendum to ‘Presolve analysis of linear programs prior to applying an interior point method’
In this note we point out that the assumptions of Propositions 1 and 2 in Gondzio...
A parallel, linear programming-based heuristic for large-scale set partitioning problems
We describe a parallel, linear programming and implication-based heuristic for solving...
Fast heuristics for the maximum feasible subsystem problem
Given an infeasible set of linear constraints, finding the maximum cardinality...
The semismooth algorithm for large scale complementarity problems
Complementarity solvers are continually being challenged by modelers demanding...
On the complexity of a class of projective interior-point methods
We present a generic projective interior-point algorithm for linear programming which...
A surface of analytic centers and primal–dual infeasible-interior-point algorithms for linear-programming
We define a surface of analytic centers determined by a primal–dual pair of...
The path restoration version of the spare capaciity allocation problem with modularity restrictions: models, algorithms, and an empirical analysis
This investigation presents a strategy to construct a compact mathematical model of...
Capacitated network design with uncertain demand
We consider a capacity-expansion problem arising in the design of telecommunication...
Linear time dynamic-programming algorithms for new classes of restricted travelling salesman problems: a computational study
Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem...
The online travelling salesman problem against fair adversaries
In the online traveling salesman problem, requests for visits to cities (points in a...
A hybrid exact algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows
The Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW) is the problem of finding a...
A new formula for the transient behaviour of a non-empty M/M/1/∞ queue
This paper studies the most general model of the Markovian queues namely M/M/1/∞...
New transient solution to the M/M infinity queue with varying arrival and departure rate
The objective of this paper is to derive the transient solution for infinite server...
Modeling and analysis of discrete-time multiserver queues with batch arrivals: GIX/Geom/m.
Multiserver queues are often encountered in telecommunications systems and have...
Phantom harmonic gradient estimators for nonpreemptive priority queueing systems
This paper presents a new gradient estimator for the steady-state expected sojourn...
Symbolic computation of moments in priority queues
Analytical tools such as Laplace–Stieltjes transforms and z-transforms are...
Strong approximations for time-dependent queues
A time-dependent M(t)/M(t)/1 queue alternates through periods of under-, over-, and...
Affine-scaling trajectories associated with a semi-infinite linear program
Semi-infinite linear programs often arise as the limit of a sequence of approximating...
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