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Found 17049 papers in total
A geometric Buchberger algorithm for integer programming
Let IPA(c) denote the family of integer programs of the form min cx|Ax=b,...
Efficient algorithms for the inverse spanning-tree problem
The inverse spanning-tree problem is to modify edge weights in a graph so that a given...
An exact algorithm for the two-constraint 0–1 knapsack problem
We consider a knapsack problem in which each item has two types of weight and the...
Exact algorithms for scheduling multiple families of jobs on parallel machines
In many practical manufacturing environments, jobs to be processed can be divided into...
Scheduling jobs with piecewise linear decreasing processing times
We study the problems of scheduling a set of nonpreemptive jobs on a single or...
Gatekeepers and referrals in services
This paper examines services in which customers encounter a gatekeeper who makes an...
Barrier functions and interior-point algorithms for linear programming with zero-, one-, or two-sided bounds on the variables
This study examines two different barrier functions and their use in both...
Generalized linear complementarity problems
We introduce the concept of the generalized (monotone) linear complementarity problem...
An infinitely summable series implementation of interior-point methods
We consider an alternative implementation of the interior point methods. In the...
Convergence rate analysis of nonquadratic proximal methods for convex and linear programming
The phi-divergence proximal method is an extension of the proximal minimization...
Partial affine-scaling for linearly constrained minimization
We propose an interior point method for finding a stationary point of a nonlinear...
Convergence of interior point algorithms for the monotone linear complementarity problem
The literature on interior point algorithms shows impressive results related to the...
The simplest semidefinite programs are trivial
We consider optimization problems of the following type: min (tr(CX): A(X)=B, X...
Quantitative comparison of approximate solution sets for bi-criteria optimization problems
We present the Integrated Preference Functional (IPF) for comparing the quality of...
Overcoming local search through alliances and mobility
Recent research suggests that, due to organizational and relational constraints, firms...
Lipschitz continuity of solutions of variational inequalities with a parametric polyhedral constraint
It is proved that the metric projection from a point onto a moving polyhedron is...
An adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for a stochastic multiproduct batch dispatch problem
We address the problem of dispatching a vehicle with different product classes. There...
Targeted advertising on the Web with inventory management
Companies that maintain Web sites can make considerable revenue by running...
Second-order sufficiency and quadratic growth for nonisolated minima
For standard nonlinear programming problems, the weak second-order sufficient...
Nonlinear extensions of Farkas' lemma with applications to global optimization and least squares
A nonlinear extension of Farkas' lemma for systems involving the difference of...
United grain growers: enterprise risk management and weather risk
In August of 1999, Mike McAndless, the risk manager of United Grain Growers (UGG), was...
The logistics impact of a mixture of order-streams in a manufacturer–retailer system
We model a supply chain with two retail warehouses that place replenishment orders...
Asymptotic stochastic programs
Consider a stochastic program with unique solution. By the notion of epiconvergence in...
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