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Found 17049 papers in total
Analytic hierarchy process method application in evaluation of plant genetic resources conservation strategy
The paper addresses possibilities for applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)...
Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio estimation for wireless communication systems: methods and analysis
The Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) is an important metric of wireless...
Minimizing the cost of placing and sizing wavelength division multiplexing and optical crossconnect equipment in a telecommunications network
Cost reduction is a major concern when designing optical fiber networks....
Concave envelopes of monomial functions over rectangles
The construction of convex and concave envelopes of real-valued functions has been of...
Revenue management: A real options approach
Revenue management is the process of actively managing inventory or capacity to...
Bounds and approximations for the transportation problem of linear programming and other scalable network problems
Bounds and approximate formulae are developed for the average optimum distance of the...
Dichotomous categorical variable formation in mathematical programming discriminant analysis models
Classification models, whether generated by statistical techniques or mathematical...
Preservation of stochastic orders for random minima and maxima, with applications
It is shown, in this note, that the right spread order and the increasing convex order...
Process management instead of operations management
In this article a challenge is provided to the operations management community to...
ASP, The Art and Science of Practice: How I started an OR/MS consulting practice with a laptop, a phone, and a PhD
Rather than becoming a professor after finishing my PhD in operations research, I...
ASP, The Art and Science of Practice: Getting the R in contact
Business schools increasingly pressure faculty members to prepare MBA students to...
Decision-making for fire risk problems: A review of challenges and tools
Decision-making is a complex process influenced by myriad variables. Fire protection...
Circuit design optimization based on quality cost estimation
The variations in component parameter values embodied in an electronic circuit can...
Designing distribution networks: formulations and solution heuristic
The fast development of transport activities and the introduction of shipment...
The best shape for a crossdock
Within both retail distribution and less-than-truckload transportation network...
Special assessments in Florida cities and counties; dodging amendment 10?
Special assessments have become an ever more popular form of taxation in Florida's...
Form of government and per capita expenditures: An evaluation of small cities and towns
The impact of form of government on municipal expenditures has been debated by several...
Aligning priorities in local budgeting processes
Citizen participation in local government processes is touted as an effective means to...
To file or not to file: The causes of municipal bankruptcy in the United States
About 500 municipalities have declared bankruptcy since Congress passed the Municipal...
Rational expectations theory and macro budgetary decision-making: comparative analysis of Canada, UK, and USA
An exciting opportunity that many advanced industrial democracies faced in the late...
Supporting government performance by capturing the values and expertise of key stakeholders: A Delphi/decision support system approach to local revenue planning
Past research suggests that decision-making can be improved by gauging diverse view...
Competition and economic development efforts in the garden state: perceptions of municipal public officials
Competition for private investment, it has been argued, is often the fiercest between...
A comprehensive approach to the assessment of tax increment financing (TIF) projects
One of the most popular economic development incentive tools used today is Tax...
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