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Found 17049 papers in total
A study of demand stochasticity in service network design
The objective of this paper is to investigate the importance of introducing stochastic...
Designing multimodal freight transport networks: A heuristic approach and applications
Designing multimodal freight transport networks can facilitate the economic...
Cross-Category Effects of Aisle and Display Placements: A Spatial Modeling Approach and Insights
Amid growing competition, retailers are increasingly interested in more effective...
Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty?
Brand experience is conceptualized as sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral...
American Girl and the Brand Gestalt: Closing the Loop on Sociocultural Branding Research
This article describes an investigation of the American Girl brand that provides a...
Marketing Under Uncertainty: The Logic of an Effectual Approach
How do people approach marketing in the face of uncertainty, when the product, the...
Interpretation of the risk tolerance coefficient in terms of maximum acceptable loss
Users (or would-be users) of exponential expected utility often seek a concrete,...
Extensive-Form Correlated Equilibrium: Definition and Computational Complexity
This paper defines the extensive–form correlated equilibrium (EFCE) for...
Fluid Limits for Processor-Sharing Queues with Impatience
We investigate a processor–sharing queue with renewal arrivals and generally...
On Zero Duality Gap and the Farkas Lemma for Conic Programming
Recently S. A. Clark published an interesting duality result in linear conic...
On the Solutions of Discrete Nonlinear Complementarity and Related Problems
This paper concerns the existence of solutions to the discrete nonlinear...
Approximating the Stochastic Knapsack Problem: The Benefit of Adaptivity
We consider a stochastic variant of the NP–hard 0/1 knapsack problem, in...
Finding the Exact Integrality Gap for Small Traveling Salesman Problems
The symmetric traveling salesman problem (STSP) is to find a minimum weight...
A Unified Theorem on SDP Rank Reduction
We consider the problem of finding a low–rank approximate solution to a system...
Efficient Routing in Heavy Traffic Under Partial Sampling of Service Times
We consider a queue with renewal arrivals and n exponential servers in the...
A Learning Algorithm for Risk-Sensitive Cost
A linear function approximation–based reinforcement learning algorithm is...
Better-Reply Dynamics with Bounded Recall
A decision maker is engaged in a repeated interaction with Nature. The objective of...
On the Complexity of Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Congestion and Local-Effect Games
Rosenthal's congestion games constitute one of the few known classes of noncooperative...
Parametric Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension
Parametric integer programming deals with a family of integer programs that is defined...
Label-Setting Methods for Multimode Stochastic Shortest Path Problems on Graphs
Stochastic shortest path (SSP) problems arise in a variety of discrete stochastic...
Metastable Equilibria
Metastability is a refinement of the Nash equilibria of a game derived from two...
Cost–Volume Relationship for Flows Through a Disordered Network
In a network where the cost of flow across an edge is nonlinear in the volume of flow,...
What Matchings Can Be Stable? The Testable Implications of Matching Theory
This paper studies the falsifiability of two–sided matching theory when agents'...
Approximate Minimization of the Regularized Expected Error over Kernel Models
Learning from data under constraints on model complexity is studied in terms of rates...
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