Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Sensitivity and parametric bound analysis for a single pass machining problem
In this paper, the problem of optimizing the machining conditions for a single pass...
Superlinearly convergent approximate Newton methods for LC1 optimization problems
In the literature, the proof of superlinear convergence of approximate Newton or SQP...
Coordinated transportation systems: An alternative approach to traditional independent systems
Public service agencies are servicing increasing numbers of clients as their operating...
Duality in disjunctive programming via vector optimization
This paper develops a new duality theory for families of linear programs with an...
Directional bias of the lp-norm
This paper concerns the use of the l p - norm for estimating travel distances in a...
A nonsmooth Newton method for variational inequalities, I: Theory
This paper presents a modified damped Newton algorithm for solving variational...
A nonsmooth Newton method for variational inequalities, II: Numerical results
This paper presents the results of extensive computational testing of the modified...
The least prior deviation quasi-Newton update
The authors propose a new choice for the parameter in the Broyden class and derive and...
A regularization of the Frank-Wolfe method and unification of certain nonlinear programming methods
The Frank-Wolfe linearization technique is a popular feasible direction algorithm for...
A trust region algorithm for minimization of locally Lipschitzian functions
The classical trust region algorithm for smooth nonlinear programs is extended to the...
Modifying the BFGS update by a new column scaling technique
Let B be a positive definite symmetric approximation to the second derivative matrix...
Bundle-based decomposition for large-scale convex optimization: Error estimate and application to block-angular linear programs
Robinson has proposed the bundle-based decomposition algorithm to solve a class of...
Stability for linearly constrainted optimization problems
The authors deal with finite dimensional differentiable optimization problems under...
Second-order necessary and sufficient conditions in nonsmooth optimization
In this paper the authors generalize and sharpen R.W. Chaney’s results on...
A note on exploiting structure when using slack variables
The authors show how to exploit the structure inherent in the linear algebra for...
On the convergence of interior-reflective Newton methods for nonlinear minimization subject to bounds
The authors consider a new algorithm, an interior-reflective Newton approach, for the...
A trust region algorithm for nonsmooth optimization
A trust region algorithm is proposed for minimizing the nonsmooth composite function...
Some properties of the Hessian of the logarithmic barrier function
More than twenty years ago, Murray and Lootsma showed that Hessian matrices of the...
Quantitative stability in stochastic programming
The paper studies stability of optimal solutions of stochastic programming problems...
Finite master programs in regularized stochastic decomposition
Stochastic decomposition is a stochastic analog of benders’ decomposition in...
Behavioral influences on weight judgments in multiattribute decision making
In multiattribute decision making the derivation of weights is a central step in...
A convex form of the quadratic assignment problem
The standard quadratic assignment problem suffers from the non-convex form of the...
Dorn’s duality for quadratic programs revisited: The nonconvex case
The duality theory for quadratic programming problems are developed by Dorn is based...
An iterative procedure for reducing problem size in large scale AHP problems
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a multiple objective decision making tool that...
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