Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
An infeasible-start algorithm for linear programming whose complexity depends on the distance from the starting point to the optimal solution
This paper presents an algorithm for solving a linear program LP (to a given...
Manufacturing cell formation by state-space search
This paper addresses the problem of grouping machines in order to design cellular...
An infeasible-interior-point algorithm using projections onto a convex set
The authors present a new class of primal-dual infeasible-interior-point methods for...
A path-following interior-point algorithm for linear and quadratic problems
The paper describes an algorithm for the monotone linear complementarity problem (LCP)...
A Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector algorithm with polynomiality and Q-subquadratic convergence
Mehrotra’s predictor-corrector algorithm is currently considered to be one of...
Heuristic production triggering mechanisms under discrete unequal inventory withdrawals
The existing literature on inventory control has largely ignored the timing issue...
A comparison of fixed and adaptive type controls for multi-product processing
Two production/inventory control systems are compared for a chemical process line that...
Investment policy for multiple product setup reduction under budgetary and capacity constraints
This paper investigates the impact of setup cost and time reduction on production...
Some comments on normal approximation for stochastic demand processes
In multistage production systems under uncertainty as well as in local decentralized...
Stochastic properties of a production-inventory process with planned production using transform methodology
The paper considers a stochastic inventory process in which demand is generated by...
Batching policies for a product life cycle
This paper considers a general, time-varying, continuous, deterministic demand...
The extended EOQ repair and waste disposal model
In this paper and EOQ model is studied in which the stationary demand can be satisfied...
A capacity-constrained multi-level inventory and production control problem
This paper presents a mathematical formulation of a capacity constrained multistage...
Product remanufacturing and disposal: A numerical comparison of alternative control strategies
In this paper the authors consider a single-product, single-echelon production and...
Integrating material coordination and capacity load smoothing in multi-product multi-phase production systems
In all papers on capacity load smoothing today, the production situation is always...
Managing and reducing total cycle time: Models and analysis
Cycle time management and reduction (CTM) is the manufacturing philosophy that follows...
Capacity planning and lead time management
In this paper the authors discuss a framework for capacity planning and lead time...
Responding to customer enquiries to make-to-order companies: Problems and solutions
Make-to-order companies are in the business of supplying products in response to a...
Stochastic lot-sizing: Solution and heuristic methods
The authors consider a single item stochastic lot-sizing model motivated by a Dutch...
Optimization of cyclic manufacturing systems with stochastic manufacturing times using event graphs
This paper concerns cyclic manufacturing systems. It assumes that manufacturing times...
A coherent methodology for productivity analysis employing integrated partial efficiency
An activity decomposition methodology with theoretical foundation in the principles of...
Workload control concepts in job shops: A critical assessment
In the case of production environments with job shop characteristics, much research...
Strategic FMS design under uncertainty: A fuzzy set theory based model
Flexibility is assuming more and more relevance in the manufacturing strategy, because...
Guidelines for tool store dimensioning in flexible manufacturing using an analytical technique
The problem of tool management has become extremely relevant with the increased...
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