Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Dynamic tabu search strategies for the traveling purchaser problem
Tabu search is a metastrategy for guiding known heuristics to overcome local...
Genetic algorithms for the traveling salesman problem
This paper is a survey of genetic algorithms for the traveling salesman problem....
The Newton modified barrier method for QP problems
The Modified Barrier Function (MBF) have elements of both Classical Lagrangians (CL)...
Competitive production scheduling: A two-firm, noncooperative finite dynamic game
This paper studies the production scheduling problem in a competitive environment. Two...
A dynamic programming algorithm for single machine scheduling with ready times
The authors propose a dynamic programming algorithm for the single machine scheduling...
Scheduling a two-stage hybrid flow shop with parallel machines at the first stage
This paper considers a non-preemptive two-stage hybrid flow shop problem in which the...
Concurrent operations assignment and sequencing for particular assembly problems in flow lines
In this paper, the authors deal with the problem of optimally assigning and sequencing...
Minimizing the number of robots to meet a given cyclic schedule
The authors study a problem of cyclic no-wait scheduling of identical parts on m...
Rolling horizon scheduling in a rolling-mill
This paper treats a production planning problem in an aluminum manufacturing plant...
Shop scheduling problems under precedence constraints
This paper considers a scheduling model that generalizes the well-known open shop,...
Concepts for improving scheduling decisions: An application in the chemical industry
This paper presents a framework for the improvement of scheduling decisions in...
Modelling production scheduling systems
Effective production scheduling plays a vital role in modern production processes. The...
Parallel machine scheduling with release dates, due dates and family setup times
In manufacturing, there is a fundamental conflict between efficient production and...
Computer-aided packing shop scheduling in a manufacturing plant
Consideration is given to the problem of generating weekly production schedules for...
Transfer pricing of a service department facing random demand
Most service departments have occasionally idle capacity and occasionally saturated...
An MCDM framework for dynamic systems
A multi-criteria formulation for continuous and discrete-time dynamic systems is...
Variants of simulated annealing for the examination timetabling problem
This paper is concerned with the use of simulated annealing in the solution of the...
A contracting model for flexible distributed scheduling
The authors are interested in building systems of autonomous agents that can automate...
Simulated annealing metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
This paper develops simulated annealing metaheuristics for the vehicle routing and...
A multilevel decision-making system with multiple resources for controlling cotton harvesting
A number of the present recent papers have demonstrated the advantage of using...
A tabu search algorithm for frequency assignment
This paper presents the application of a tabu search algorithm for solving the...
Mixing stochastic dynamic programming and scenario aggregation
This paper describes a serial and parallel implementation of a hybrid stochastic...
New uses of DEA and statistical regressions for efficiency evaluation and estimation-With an illustrative application to public secondary schools in Texas
This paper examines new combinations of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and...
An enhanced decomposition algorithm for multistage stochastic hydroelectric scheduling
Handling uncertainty in natural inflow is an important part of a hydroelectric...
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