Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Logic, modeling, and programming
In this paper we discuss the integration of logic, modeling, and programming in order...
An O(pn2) algorithm of the p-median and related problems on tree graphs
We improve the complexity bound of the p -median problem on trees by showing that the...
k-edge connected polyhedra on series–parallel graphs
We give a complete description of the k -edge connected spanning subgraph polytope...
A note on the Boolean quadric polytope
We observe that a new class of facet-defining inequalities for the Boolean quadric...
Working set generation methods for labor tour scheduling
Working set methods in labor scheduling generally consist of a generation and...
Average work hours as a leading economic variable in US manufacturing industries
This paper examines the role of the average workweek as a leading indicator of output...
Multiproduct integrated production–distribution systems
In many firms the goals of the production staff are in conflict with those of the...
Batching decisions: Structure and models
Batching decisions are one of management’s instruments to impact performance of...
A new heuristic approach for the multi-item dynamic lot sizing problem
In this paper a framework for a new heuristic approach for solving the single level...
A linear description of the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem
A new integer linear programming formulation for the discrete lot-sizing and...
A job-splitting heuristic for lot-size scheduling in multi-stage, multi-product production processes
This paper focuses primarily on cyclic scheduling in multi-stage, multi-product...
Lot streaming in three-stage production processes
Lot streaming is the process of splitting a given lot or job to allow the overlapping...
Cyclic scheduling to minimize inventory in a batch flow line
This paper addresses the problem of determining a cyclic schedule for batch production...
A simple lower bound to the dynamic assembly problem
We consider the multi-stage assembly problem where many components are assembled to...
On practical resource allocation for production planning and scheduling with period overlapping setups
Capacity requirements planning is normally based on long-term demand forecasts and...
Lot sizing for a product subject to obsolescence or perishability
The paper presents a stochastic dynamic programming model for determining the optimal...
A heuristic for dynamic multi-item multi-level capacitated lotsizing for general product structures
This paper presents an heuristic for the multi-item, multi-level dynamic lotsizing...
An effective algorithm for the capacitated single item lot size problem
This paper studies a deterministic, single product capacitated dynamic lot size model...
A review of optimisation models of Kanban-based production systems
This paper deals with the Kanban method of production control used initially by Toyota...
An analytical framework for comparing Material Requirements Planning to reorder point systems
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and reorder point (ROP) systems represent two...
Evaluating the impact of lead time uncertainty in material requirements planning systems
This study uses simulation to examine the effects of lead time uncertainty on MRP...
Flexibility and product variety in lot-sizing models
This paper seeks insight into the role of process flexibility and product variety in...
Using geometric techniques to improve dynamic programming algorithms for the economic lot-sizing problem and extensions
In this paper we discuss two basic geometric techniques that can be used to speed up...
Feasibility of scheduling lot sizes of two frequencies on one machine
The paper considers the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem of finding a feasible schedule...
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