Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
An algorithm for the planar three-index assignment problem
A branch and bound algorithm for the planar three-index assignment problem is...
Constraint aggregation principle in convex optimization
A general constraint aggregation technique is proposed for convex optimization...
Separating plane algorithms for convex optimization
The equivalent formulation of a convex optimization problem is the computation of a...
Variable metric bundle methods: From conceptual to implementable forms
To minimize a convex function, we combine Moreau–Yosida regularizations,...
Yield comparison of push and pull control methods on production systems with unreliable machines
In just-in-time manufacturing, the pull control method is used to coordinate feeding...
A preconditioning proximal Newton method for nondifferentiable convex optimization
We propose a proximal Newton method for solving nondifferentiable convex optimization....
Reengineering the production planning process in the food industry
This paper addresses managerial process reengineering and in particular the...
Development of a grey critical path method for construction planning
A grey critical path method has been developed and applied to a hypothetical case...
Dynamic programming formulation of the group interview problem with a general utility function
In many managerial decision situations such as buying an electronic appliance, several...
Optimal resource levelling using non-serial dynamic programming
A recurring problem in managing project activities is to minimize the deviation...
Capacity analysis in repetitive assemble-to-order manufacturing systems
The application of traditional make-to-stock planning tools to manufacturing to orders...
A stochastic model to control project duration and expenditure
Many models of Project Management and Scheduling have recognized the non-deterministic...
On using approximations of the Benders master problem
In this paper we study some approximate ways of solving the Benders master problem in...
Constrained multi-project planning problems: A Lagrangean decomposition approach
This paper describes a Lagrangean decomposition technique for solving multi-project...
Interior dual proximal point algorithm for linear programs
A new algorithm for solving a linear program based on an interior point method applied...
Resource allocation for a stochastic CPM-type network through perturbation analysis
To minimize the expected length of a stochastic CPM-type network by allocating...
Stochastic network project scheduling with non-consumable limited resources
This paper presents a newly developed resource constrained scheduling model for a PERT...
Optimal structural topology design using the homogenization method with multiple constraints
In applications of the homogenization method for optimal structural topology design...
A mathematical programming approach for generating alternatives in discrete structural optimization
Structural design, like other complex decision problems, involves many tradeoffs among...
A trust region method for minimization of nonsmooth functions with linear constraints
We introduce a trust region algorithm for minimization of nonsmooth functions with...
Optimal design of accelerated degradation tests for estimating mean lifetime at the use condition
In an accelerated degradation test, higher-than-normal stress levels are employed to...
An interactive algorithm for solving multiple objective integer linear programming problems
We propose a reference direction based interactive algorithm to solve multiple...
A note on weighted criteria methods for compromise solutions in multi-objective optimization
A common multi-objective optimization approach forms the objective function from...
A quasi-Monte Carlo method for multicriteria design optimization
The Quasi-Random Weighed Criteria method is proposed for multicriteria design...
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