Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Practical job shop scheduling
The Shifting Bottleneck procedure is an intuitive and reasonably good approximation...
Nonstrict vector summation in multi-operation scheduling
We consider several multi-operation scheduling problems with m machines and n jobs,...
On the calculation of the stability radius of an optimal or an approximate schedule
The main objective of this paper is to stimulate interest in stability analysis for...
A greedy open shop heuristic with job priorities
The paper presents an improved version of the greedy open shop approximation algorithm...
Decomposition in single-machine scheduling
This paper discusses the recent research on decomposition techniques in single-machine...
Intractability of the dial-a-ride problem and a multiobjective solution using simulated annealing
Numerous techniques for generating approximate solutions have been proposed in the...
Optimal level schedules in mixed-model, multi-level JIT assembly systems with pegging
Solving the level (or balanced) schedule problem is the most important scheduling goal...
Genetic algorithms for the two-stage bicriteria flowshop problem
This paper considers the two-stage bicriteria flow shop scheduling problem with the...
Price-based planning and scheduling of multiproduct orders in symbiotic manufacturing networks
This paper addresses the problem of planning and scheduling operations when processing...
Job sequencing rules for minimizing the expected makespan in flexible machines
We consider scheduling of a deteriorating flexible machine that is capable of...
Rate-Monotonic scheduling for hard-real-time systems
Hard-real-time computing systems are widely used in our society, for example, in...
A note on the equivalence of two heuristics to minimize total tardiness
Over the last thirty years, many researchers have studied single machine static and...
Scheduling with batch setup times and earliness–tardiness penalties
We consider a scheduling model in which several batches of jobs need to be processed...
Evaluation of leading heuristics for the single machine tardiness problem
A recent paper on the single machine tardiness problem by Panwalker et al. disputes...
Single machine earliness and tardiness scheduling
We examine the problem of scheduling a given set of jobs on a single machine to...
A note on minimizing the weighted sum of tardy and early completion penalties in a single machine: A case of small common due date
This paper studies the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs on a single machine to...
Scheduling with agreeable release times and due dates on a batch processing machine
We consider the problem of scheduling semiconductor burn-in operations, where burn-in...
Economic scheduling of products with N components on a single machine
We consider a single machine scheduling problem where components of N different types...
A branch-and-bound algorithm with fuzzy inference for a permutation flowshop scheduling problem
This paper considers an m -machine permutation flowshop scheduling problem of...
Lot streaming with detached setups in three-machine flow shops
Lot streaming is the process of splitting a job or lot to allow overlapping between...
On minimizing resource consumption with constraints on the makespan and the total completion time
We investigate a single machine scheduling problem where the resource consumed depends...
Sequencing jobs for an automated manufacturing module with buffer
This article deals with the real-time scheduling of jobs for an automated...
Heuristic approaches for n/m/F/&Sgr;Ci scheduling problems
In this paper, we address the flow shop scheduling problem, with the criterion of...
Audit scheduling with overlapping activities and sequence-dependent setup costs
Audit firms are faced with the complex job of scheduling auditors to audit tasks. The...
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