Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Inspection sequencing and part scheduling for flexible manufacturing systems
An approach to the study of integrated effects of inspection sequencing rules and part...
A flexible approach to (re)configure Flexible Manufacturing Cells
Although considerable research literature exists related to Flexible Manufacturing...
A model of incentive contracts for just-in-time delivery
A mathematical model is used to analyze how to structure on-time delivery incentives...
Work patterns in project scheduling
In project planning and control, it is of vital importance to take into account that...
A project scheduling methodology derived as an analogue of digital circuit technology
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach for modeling project activities...
Optimal segmentation of projects – schedule and cost considerations
In certain types of projects, the same sequence of activities is performed throughout...
Dynamic project selection and funding under risk: A decision tree based mixed integer linear programming approach
This paper presents a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model for a new class of...
Scheduling projects to maximize net present value – the case of time-dependent, contingent cash flows
The problem of scheduling activities in a project to maximize its Net Present Value...
PSPLIB – a project scheduling problem library
We present a set of benchmark instances for the evaluation of solution procedures for...
Project network models with discounted cash flows: a guided tour through recent developments
The vast majority of the project scheduling methodologies presented in the literature...
Critical path in an activity network with time constraints
An acyclic graph with nonnegative weights and with a unique source and destination is...
A genetic algorithm for multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem
This article considers a general class of nonpreemptive multi-mode...
Design of double CUSUM quality control schemes
The simultaneous use of two standard CUSUM schemes is shown to result in a quality...
Economic design of a complete inspection plan with interactive quality improvement
Consider the monitoring of an ongoing production process subject to complete...
A note on the design of a two-sided, two-stage screening procedure with a prescribed outgoing quality
Design of a two-stage screening procedure is presented when both lower and upper...
Selecting the compromise programming metric: A risk aversion approach
Through a linkage between Arrow's risk theory and compromise programming we obtain a...
Goal programming models and their duality relations for use in evaluating security portfolio and regression relations
The literature on multiple objective programming contains numerous examples in which...
On the solution region for certain scheduling problems with preemption
The paper deals with parallel machine and open shop scheduling problems with...
Batch scheduling with deadlines on parallel machines
The problem of scheduling G groups of jobs on m parallel machines is considered. Each...
Jackson's Pseudo Preemptive Schedule for the Pm/ri, qi /Cmax scheduling problem
The aim of this paper is to introduce Jackson's Pseudo Preemptive Schedule (JPPS) for...
Branch and bound algorithms for single-machine scheduling with batch set-up times to minimize total weighted completion time
This paper presents several branch and bound algorithms for a single-machine...
Genetic algorithm for the permutation flow-shop scheduling problem with linear models of operations
The paper deals with a permutation flow-shop problem where processing times of jobs on...
Heuristics procedures for parallel-machine scheduling problems with stochastic precedence constraints
This paper is concerned with stochastic scheduling problems with several identical...
Parallel branch-and-bound methods for the job-shop scheduling problem
Job-Shop Scheduling (JSS) problems are among the more difficult to solve in the class...
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