Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Branch and bound crossed with GA to solve hybrid flowshops
This article deals with an optimal method for solving a k -stage hybrid flowshop...
Distributed scheduling using simple learning machines
A new approach to develop parallel and distributed algorithms of scheduling tasks in...
A bicriteria two-machine permutation flowshop problem
The problem attacked in this paper is the scheduling of n jobs on two machines which...
An exact algorithm for batching and scheduling two part types in a mixed shop: A technical note
We consider the problem of scheduling jobs consisting of two part types in a shop made...
Genetic algorithm approach to earliness and tardiness production scheduling and planning problem
A genetic algorithm approach is proposed to address the problem of earliness and...
Minimizing total weighted completion time at a pre-assembly stage composed of two feeding machines
This paper analyses a deterministic scheduling problem concerned with manufacturing...
A model for warehouse order picking
Order picking in conventional warehouse environments involves determining a sequence...
Optimal product and server locations in one-dimensional storage racks
This paper treats several problems of product storage and server locations in...
The greater whole: Towards a synthesis of system dynamics and soft systems methodology
This paper makes a theoretical case for using these two systems approaches together....
Automatic differentiation for more efficient system analysis and optimization
This paper reports on the benefits of using automatic differentiation (AD) to improve...
A fuzzy set theory approach to the aircrew rostering problem
The paper develops a model to solve the aircret rostering problem consisting of the...
The rural postman problem with deadline classes
Vehicle routing problems with general time windows are extremely difficult to solve....
Separating capacity constraints in the CVRP using tabu search
Branch and Cut methods have shown to be very successful in the resolution of some hard...
Minimizing the number of vehicles in periodic scheduling: The non-Euclidean case
In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing the number of vehicles needed to...
Optimal television schedules in alternative competitive environments
We formulate network-television-scheduling problems as integer programs for three...
An MCDM approach to production analysis: An application irrigated farms in Southern Spain
The analysis of the decision-making process in agricultural enterprises is approached...
Design of a distributed fiber transport network with hubbing topology
This paper deals with the comprehensive design of a distributed network, whose...
A note on a jellyfish-like feasible domain in structural topology optimization
This paper extends recent studies on the fundamental properties of truss topology...
Choosing realistic values of indifference, preference and veto threholds for use with environmental criteria within ELECTRE
The ELECTRE III outranking model is particularly suited to aiding the choice between...
The behavior of extreme values in Germany's stock index futures: An application to intradaily margin setting
Recent defaults and large financial losses attributed to derivative security investing...
Efficient algorithms for the clearing of interbank payments
The clearing of interbank payments is a process which usually involves an immense...
Forest management challenges for operational researchers
This is an overview of operational research work that has been carried out to support...
Searching for an optimal rotation age for forest stand management under stochastic log prices
Due to rapid change in timber prices in the Japanese market most likely affected by...
A tabu search algorithm for finding good forest harvest schedules satisfying green-up constraints
Due to environmental concerns, forest harvesting in many regions must now satisfy...
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