Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Indeterminacy in portfolio selection
This paper develops the indeterminacy in “portfolio selection” putting...
Hedging effectiveness of stock index futures
The paper is concerned with the efficiency of hedging stock portfolios using futures...
The pricing of options on an interval binomial tree. An application to the DAX-index option market
This paper implements a model setup in Mussioli and Torricelli for deriving implied...
Production planning with approved vendor matrices for a hard-disk drive manufacturer
We develop an optimal production schedule for a manufacturer of hard-disk drives that...
A GARCH option pricing model with α-stable innovations
We develop an option pricing model which is based on a GARCH asset return process with...
Manufacturing lead-time rules: Customer retention versus tardiness costs
Inaccurate production backlog information is a major cause of late deliveries, which...
Dynamic portfolio optimization: Time decomposition using the Maximum Principle with a scenario approach
We study a dynamic portfolio management problem over a finite horizon with transaction...
A note on “An exact method for cost-oriented assembly line balancing”
Amen considers a cost-oriented assembly line balancing problem with wages and capital...
Selecting an optimal portfolio of consumer loans by applying the state preference approach
Internal models like CreditMetrics and Kealhofer–McQuown–Vasicek (KMV),...
The Asian crisis and calendar effects on stock returns in Thailand
This paper systematically examines daily returns of the Thai Stock Market Index to...
Bad news and Dow Jones make the Spanish stocks go round
This paper is a data-based attempt to analyse what kind of information basically...
Theory of portfolios: New considerations on classic models and the Capital Market Line
The aim of this paper is to present an alternative method to obtain the efficient...
On the construction of mutual fund portfolios: A multicriteria methodology and an application to the Greek market of equity mutual funds
The evaluation of the performance of mutual funds (MFs) has been a very interesting...
Allocation of attention within venture capital firms
In this article we use a simple queueing network to model the process through which...
Managing inventories in a two-echelon dual-channel supply chain
We present a two-echelon dual-channel inventory model in which stocks are kept in both...
Supply chain management in forestry – case studies at Södra Cell AB
The use of supply chain management and optimisation is of increasing importance in the...
Inventory control based on advanced probability theory, an application
Whenever stock is placed as a buffer between consumption and supply the decision when...
Ensemble strategies for a medical diagnostic decision support system: A breast cancer diagnosis application
The model selection strategy is an important determinant of the performance and...
An agenda for healthcare and information simulation
With healthcare systems around the world undergoing redesign and refocusing on...
Monitoring clinical performance: The role of software architecture
Methods of assessing and monitoring the peformance of clinicians have received a lot...
Modelling outpatient capacity for a diagnosis and treatment centre
When health service managers in Nottingham planned to move much of their outpatient...
Length of stay-based patient flow models: Recent developments and future directions
Modelling patient flow in health care systems is vital in understanding the system...
Choice of models for the analysis and forecasting of hospital beds
There is a growing concern that current health care services are not sustainable. The...
Transient probabilities for queues with applications to hospital waiting list management
In this paper we study queueing systems with the NHS. Recently imposed government...
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