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Found 17295 papers in total
A new approach for solving the P-median problem in group technology
One of the weaknesses of the P-median formulation of the cell configuration problem in...
Grouping index: A new quantitative criterion for goodness of block-diagonal forms in group technology
Group technology requires the block-diagonalisation of the machine-component incidence...
Organizing a social event-A difficult problem of combinatorial optimization
This interesting problem arose in the context of organizing a ‘progressive...
A simulated annealing approach for optimization of multi-pass turning operations
In this paper, an optimization algorithm based on the simulated annealing (SA)...
Manufacturing cell formation using spreadsheets
Many algorithms have been proposed to form manufacturing cells from component...
Optimal joint set-up and calibration policy with unequal revenue from oversized and undersized items
The algorithm in this paper jointly determines the optimal level to which the mean of...
A practical heuristic for effective buffer management
Buffers of work throughout a manufacturing facility enhance throughput. They protect a...
Optimal and heuristic procedures for row layout problems in automated manufacturing systems
In many automated manufacturing environments, particularly flowlines and flexible...
Solving cell formation problems in a manufacturing environment with flexible processing and routeing capabilities
In this paper, the authors investigate cell formation problems in a manufacturing...
On the robustness of using balanced part mix ratios to determine cyclic part input sequences into flexible flow systems
Most of the literature dealing with the determination of cyclic part input sequences...
New infeasible interior-point algorithm based on monomial method
The authors propose a new infeasible path-following algorithm for the convex...
A predictor-corrector method for extended linear-quadratic programming
The saddle point form of extended linear-quadratic programs can be solved by an...
Divide and conquer strategies for parallel TSP heuristics
The aim of this paper is to study experimentally divide and conquer strategies, used...
Evaluating re-order levels and probabilities of stockout during a lead time for some stock-control models
When several suppliers are concurrently used to replenish one stock item, it is often...
Analysis of an M/G/1 sueue with two types of impatient units
This paper deals with a service system in which the processor must serve two types of...
An algorithm to computer blocking probabilities in multi-rate multi-class multi-resource loss models
In this paper the authors consider a family of product-form loss models, including...
Markov-modulated traffic with nearly complete decomposability characteristics and associated fluid queueing models
This paper considers fluid queueing models of Markov-modulated traffic that, due to...
Throughput properties of a queueing network with distributed dynamic routing and flow control
A queueing network with arbitrary topology, state dependent routing and flow control...
Symmetric queues with batch departures and their networks
Batch departures arise in various applications of queues. In particular, such models...
Approximating the mean response time of parallel queues with JSQ policy
This paper presents an accurate model for evaluating the mean system syze of parallel...
Ranking players in multiple tournaments
This paper examines a generalization of the standard round robin tournament. First the...
Transient characteristics of an M/M/
Convergence results are given for transient characteristics of an M/M/ system such as...
Estimating missing values using neural networks
The problem of missing values is common in statistical analysis. One approach to deal...
Canonical correlation analyses for three data sets: A unified framework with application to management
Researchers in management, economics and other social sciences often find that they...
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