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Found 17295 papers in total
A queuing model for designing an optimal three-dimensional maintenance float system
In this paper, the authors consider a float system that consists of a single...
Using lexicographic parametric programming for searching a non-dominated set in multiple-objective linear programming
This paper proposes an approach which makes it possible to search non-dominated and...
Analysis of an asymmetric polling system
Polling models are used extensively in the field of operations research to analyze the...
Utility functions: A compromise programming approach to specification and optimization
Nowadays, utility theory and compromise programming (CP) are considered very different...
On the determination of minimal facets and edges of a polyhedral set
This paper investigates the image of a polyhedral set under a linear map. Moreover, it...
An interior multiobjective primal-dual linear programming algorithm based on approximated gradients and efficient anchoring points
A new algorithm for addressing multiple objective linear programming (MOLP) problems...
Convergence of stochastic algorithms: From the Kushner-Clark theorem to the Lyapounov functional method
In the first part of this paper a global Kushner-Clark theorem about the convergence...
A class of single machine central tendency-dispersion bicriteria problems
In this paper, a number of non-regular bicriteria penalty functions of completion...
A note on the relation between the product rate variation problem and the apportionment problem
This note establishes a connection between two problems that appear in different...
On the undiscounted tax problem with precedence constraints
A single machine is available to process a collection of jobs J, each of which evolves...
New insights on the single machine total tardiness problem
Virtually all algorithmic studies on the single machine total tardiness problem use...
Single facility scheduling with major and minor setups
This article considers the problem of scheduling a given set of jobs at a single...
A fast finite loading algorithm for job oriented scheduling
Job oriented scheduling (JOS) has been the most commonly used technique in actual job...
Using tabu search to solve the common due date early/tardy machine scheduling problem
This article uses tabu search to solve the restricted, common-due-date, early/tardy...
On steady-state queue size distributions of the discrete-time GI/G/1 queue
In this paper, the authors present results for the steady-state system length...
Dynamic routing and jockeying controls in a two-station queueing system
This paper studies optimal routing and jockeying policies in a two-station parallel...
The throughput rate of interchangeable parallel two-stage tandem queue with correlated service times
A parallel two-stage tandem queueing system with no intermediate waiting room is...
M(n)/G1/N queues with generalized vacations
The authors consider M/G/1/N queues with generalized vacations and exhaustive service,...
Simulation and optimization of a new waste remediation process
In the development of large scale technologically advanced projects and procedures, it...
The efficiency distribution approach in data envelopment analysis: An application
A method is developed here for characterizing the empirical distribution of the...
Measuring the efficiency of prescribing by general practitioners
Data envelopment analysis (a mathematical programming technique) has often been...
Some mathematical properties of a DEA model for the joint determination of efficiencies
This paper explores the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and convexity issues in a...
Searching for targets who want to be found
The paper reports some simulation results for models of the types of search that might...
A managerial assessment of the waiting-time performance for alternative service process designs
The paper develops an analytical model and, by applying it to a set of service process...
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