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Found 17295 papers in total
On the classification of telework
Information and communication technology (ICT) provides organizations with a whole...
Determining organizational structure choices in advanced manufacturing technology management
The implementation of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) has been viewed as a...
A dynamic programming based algorithm for the crew scheduling problem
In this paper we consider the crew scheduling problem, that is the problem of...
An integrated mathematical programming model for offset planning
This paper deals with the development of an integrated quantitative model for offset...
The computational complexity of the k-minimum spanning tree problem in graded matrices
Given an undirected graph G = ( V, E ) where each edge e = ( i, j ) has...
An assessment of perceptual differences between informants in information systems research
Although survey research is the most widely used methodology in organizational and...
Improved heuristic methods for multiple stage production planning
Multiple stage production planning typifies any system in which the scheduling of some...
A genetic algorithm for multiple objective sequencing problems in mixed model assembly lines
Sequencing problems are important for an efficient use of mixed model assembly lines....
Solving mixed integer programming production planning problems with setups by shadow price information
Algorithms developed to solve linear programming (LP) problems and advances in...
Buffer allocation in unreliable production lines using a knowledge based system
The optimization of production lines' performance is a problem of great complexity...
Modeling rolling batch planning as vehicle routing problem with time windows
In this paper, the vehicle routing problem with time window of combinational...
An effective numerical method to compute the moments of the completion time of Markov Reward Models
Analysis of Markov Reward Models with preemptive resume policy results in a double...
The effect of process flexibility on productivity for classes of similar job shops
Process flexibility permits alternative operations for a manufacturing task. When each...
CASE: A clustering algorithm for cell formation with sequence data
Cellular manufacturing is a well-known strategy for reducing lead times in batch...
Dynamic metamodelling in capacity planning
Traditional capacity planning modelling techniques focus on the steady-state behaviour...
A generalized economic model for joint determination of production run, inspection schedule and control chart design
This paper presents a generalized model for a continuous production process for...
Dynamic buffering
Dynamic buffering allows a time buffer to extend in length (and release materials...
Fuzzy logic and neural networks for design of process parameters: A grinding process application
The design of a grinding process is a difficult task since there are so many...
An approach to the dynamic modelling of manufacturing systems
Because of their complexity manufacturing systems are difficult to model. However,...
Optimum junction point location and inventory levels in serial hybrid push/pull production systems
The choice of a production philosophy by a manufacturing company is important. Costs...
Constraint time buffer determination model
In today's competitive environment, reducing Work in Process (WIP) to improve cycle...
Simultaneous lot sizing and loading of product families on parallel facilities of different classes
Hierarchical production planning is a structured approach which reduces the size of...
A TSP-based heuristic for forming machine groups and part families
Cellular manufacturing has been proposed as a layout approach to improve manufacturing...
General rules for production planning with seasonal demand
A fundamental problem for make-to-stock producers of seasonally demanded goods is the...
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