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Immigration processes associated with branching particle systems
Li Zeng-Hu
The immigration processes associated with a given branching particle system are...
A point process model with stochastic intensities for a branching population of two dependent types
Born Eike
We study a point process model with stochastic intensities for a particular branching...
A limit theorem for the maxima of the para-critical simple branching process
Pakes Anthony G.
Let M n denote the size of the largest amongst the first n generations of a simple...
Parametric estimation and spectral analysis of piecewise linear maps of the interval
Lopes Artur
We present an estimation procedure and analyse spectral properties of stochastic...
The modified star graph and the petal diagram: Two new visual aids for discrete alternative multicriteria decision making
Fraser Niall M.
Many studies have looked into the provisions of visual aids to multicriteria decision...
Stochastic pairwise comparative judgements and direct ratings of alternatives in the REMBRANDT system
Honert R.C. Van Den
The REMBRANDT system for multicriteria decision analysis consists of both the...
Consistency measures for pairwise comparison matrices
Barzilai Jonathan
We propose new measures of consistency of additive and multiplicative pairwise...
Multicriteria agency theory
Vetschera Rudolf
This paper extends standard agency theoretic models to explicitly take into account...
Time complexity and consistency issues in using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for making group decisions
Tung Y. Alex
Two different ways of using the AHP in making group decisions are compared and...
On the construction of fuzzy preference structures
Bufardi Ahmed
In this paper, we analyse the generalization of the classical method of the...
A non-linear utility theory with multiple objectives
Brauers W.K.
The aim of this paper is to make optimum several objectives at the same time which...
Passive and Active Compensability Multicriteria ANalysis
Giarlotta Alfio
Determining intercriteria relations is an important issue in MCDA. In order to handle...
Evaluating the desirability of meals: An illustrative multiattribute decision analysis procedure to assess portfolios with interdependent items
Chien Chen-Fu
This paper presents an exploratory study designed to address complex scaling problems...
Problem formulation for multi-criteria decision analysis: Report of a workshop
French Simon
This paper reports on a workshop on Problem Formulation in Multi-Criteria Decision...
Multicriteria approval: Application of approval voting concepts to multicriteria decision making problems
Fraser Niall M.
Multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methods generally require information that is...
Determining the implementation order of a general plan by using a multicriteria method
Salminen Pekka
We describe a real-life application of a new multicriteria method in the context of...
Double threshold orders: A new axiomatization
Tsoukias Alexis
The paper presents some new results concerning the axiomatization of double threshold...
Valuing the future: A multiattribute decision analysis example involving nuclear waste
French Simon
Intertemporal decision making involves decisions that have consequences that span...
The use of partial information on weights in multicriteria decision problems
Puerto Justo
This paper addresses multicriteria decision problems in which only partial information...
A multi-criterion experimental comparison of three multi-attribute weight measurement methods
Wang Mingshen
The research compared three major multi-attribute weight measurement methods using...
Stochastic linearization: The theory
Bernard Pierre
Very little is known about the quantitative behaviour of dynamical systems with random...
Divisive and integrative political strategies in the information systems adaptation process: The MAC Initiative
Mouakket S.
The MAC Initiative project is described as seen through the eyes of users at one...
A network parallel genetic algorithm for the one machine sequencing problem
Mayer M.K.
This paper presents a network parallel genetic algorithm for the one machine...
A branch and bound approach for single machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties
Chang Pei Chann
An n job, single machine scheduling problem in which each job has a distinct due date,...
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