Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An exploratory study of the influence of the information systems function and organizational context on business process reengineering project initiatives
To help evaluate the risk of process reengineering failure and enhance the prospect of...
Input–output analysis for organizational human resources management
Input–output models, based on the structure of the production processes of an...
Business process reengineering: An approach for process mapping
The goal of business process reengineering (BPR) is to achieve dramatic improvements...
An empirical study of the performance impact of computerization in the retail industry
This paper examines the relationships between the intensity of IT investment and four...
Measurement of the performance of an investment bank using the operational competitiveness rating procedure
The Hong Kong branch of an international investment bank hired additional staff in...
Mutual fund performance appraisals: A multi-horizon perspective with endogenous benchmarking
With over 6500 mutual funds available to investors, industry data show that consumers...
Performance evaluation based on multiple attributes with nonparametric frontiers
Performance rating and comparison of a group of entities is frequently based on the...
Vendor rating for an entrepreneur development programme: A case study using the analytic hierarchy process method
With collaborative purchasing programmes where one of the aims is to develop...
Multicriteria decision making for contract research organisation choice in the pharmaceutical industry
The choice of a Contract Research Organisation (CRO–Sponsor partnership or CRO)...
Using data envelopment analysis as a tool for multiple criteria decision making: Some remarks
The purpose of this paper is to study proposals to use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)...
Solution of goal programming models using a basic taboo search algorithm
Goal programming is a very powerful technique for solving multiple objective...
Extended interval goal programming
This paper focuses on possible problems associated with the use of penalty functions...
Integer programming methods for normalisation and variable selection in mathematical programming discriminant analysis models
Mathematical programming discriminant analysis models must be normalised to prevent...
Theory of constraints and linear programming: A re-examination
In a previous paper in this journal, Luebbe and Finch compared the theory of...
Minimising the maximum relative regret for linear programs with interval objective function coefficients
The minimax relative regret solution to a linear program with interval objective...
Comparative evaluation of some interactive reference point-based methods for multi-objective optimisation
Many real-world optimisation applications include several conflicting objectives of...
Quadratic programming applications in finance using Excel
The paper describes two applications of quadratic programming in finance, one from the...
Blackett in the ‘white heat’ of the scientific revolution: Industrial modernisation under the Labour governments, 1964–1970
This paper analyses Patrick Blackett's role as an adviser on science and technology...
A comparison of factorial and random experimental design methods for the development of regression and neural network simulation metamodels
This paper compares two forms of experimental design methods that may be used for the...
A multi-criteria data envelopment analysis model for measuring the productive efficiency of hospitals
This paper seeks to measure and evaluate the productive efficiency of health-care...
A case of an intervention in an outpatients department
This paper is an account of a case intervention, undertaken at a National Health...
Information resource planning for a health-care system using an analytic hierarchy process-based goal programming method
This paper presents a goal programming (GP) model which aids in allocating a...
Sizing initial stockpiles in a conventional military retrograde movement
The importance of stockpiles in waging and supporting war has long been recognized by...
A robust forecasting system, based on the combination of two simple moving averages
For series with negligible growth and seasonality, simple moving averages are...
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