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An efficient two-staged approach for generating block layouts
Chou Shuo-Yan
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a useful mathematical tool that enables the analysis...
What is knowledge and can it be managed?
Sutton D.C.
Philosophical and linguistic debates about the nature of knowledge, information and...
The process of global knowledge integration: A case study of a multinational investment bank's Y2K program
Newell S.
In this paper we examine the phenomenon of Y2K as an example of cross-functional...
Knowledge management and the politics of knowledge: Illustrations from complex products and systems
Marshall N.
While there is an increasing recognition of the social character of knowledge in...
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory model involving variable lead time with fuzzy demand
Ouyang Liang-Yuh
In a recent paper, Ouyang and Wu applied the minimax decision approach to solve a...
Modelling the benefits of information sharing-based partnerships in a two-level supply chain
Yan H.
This paper presents a study aimed at quantifying the benefits of information...
The value of information in the multi-item newsboy problem
Casimir Rommert J.
The multi-item newsboy problem is used to determine the value of two types of...
Stocking for shopping – inventory control in theory and in practice: A review of current practices in the retail sector
Mould Gill
There have been major developments in the theory and practice of inventory control...
Modelling for the planning and management of bed capacities in hospitals
Shahani A.K.
The internal dynamics of a hospital represent a complex non-linear structure. Planning...
Developing a frame of reference for ex-ante IT/IS investment evaluation
Irani Z.
Investment appraisal techniques are an integral part of many traditional capital...
A queueing model for bed-occupancy management and planning of hospitals
McClean S.I.
The aim of this paper is, on the one hand, to describe the movement of patients...
Assigning patients to nurses in neonatal intensive care
Lawley M.
An intensive care nursery provides health care for critically ill newborn infants....
Concentration and the variability of orthopaedic demand
Mould G.
Concentrating health services with centres providing selected, specialist care offers...
An investment decision model with the survival probability criterion and its numerical solutions: The finite horizon case
Xu Xiaowei
This paper studies a finite horizon investment decision model. Suppose that an...
Capacitated location-allocation problems on a line
Mehrez Abraham
For economic and other reasons, distribution networks are often constructed in...
Geographical information systems and location science
Church Richard L.
Since the 1970s the field of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has evolved into a...
The generalized maximal covering location problem
Berman Oded
We consider a generalization of the maximal cover location problem which allows for...
An integrated model for facility location and technology acquisition
Verter Vedat
This paper presents an analytical approach for simultaneous optimization of the...
Optimal facility location with random throughput costs
Tadei Roberto
In this paper we consider the optimal location and size of facilities where the...
Estimating actual distances by norm functions: A comparison between the lk,p,θ-norm and the lb1,b2,θ-norm and a study about the selection of the data set
Pelegrin B.
The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, the weighted l p -norm, which has proved to...
Locating facilities by minimax relative to closest points of demand areas
Wesolowsky George O.
This paper formulates a minimax location problem on the continuous plane where the...
On the circle closest to a set of points
Drezner Zvi
The objective of this paper is to find a circle whose circumference is as close as...
Fast heuristics for large scale covering-location problems
Laporte Gilbert
We propose fast heuristics for large-scale covering-location problems in which the set...
Supply facility and input/output point locations in the presence of barriers
Nagi Rakesh
This paper studies a facility location model in which two-dimensional Euclidean space...
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