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Found 17295 papers in total
Solving dynamic macroeconomic policy games using the algorithm OPTGAME 1.0
In this paper we briefly summarise the OPTGAME 1.0 algorithm, which has been developed...
Generating daily production plans for complex manufacturing facilities using multi-objective genetic algorithms
Modern production tracking and planning systems produce good inventory plans....
An integrated model for inventory and production planning in a two-stage hybrid production system
A two-stage hybrid flow-shop production system is considered. The first stage is a...
A geometrical approach to computing expected cycle times for zone-based storage layouts in automated storage and retrieval systems
An exact, geometry-based analytical model is presented that can be used to compute the...
An efficient discrete event model of assembly/disassembly production networks
This paper develops a discrete event simulation model of assembly/disassembly...
Control of deadlock and blocking for production systems with unreliable workstations
Over the past decade, the development of supervisory controllers for automated...
Architectural layout design optimization
This article presents an optimization model of the quantifiable aspects of...
Interactive design optimization of architectural layouts
Many areas of design involve both quantifiable and subjective goals, preferences, and...
Designing for maintenance: A game theoretic approach
Maintenance management is the effective and economical use of resources to keep...
A model to predict the residual life of rolling element bearings given monitored condition information to date
In condition monitoring practice, one of the primary concerns of maintenance managers...
Supporting maintenance strategies using Markov models
The basic principle of total productive maintenance (TPM) is to reduce and ultimately...
A periodic testing model for a preparedness system with a defective state
This paper considers the periodic testing of a preparedness system where in addition...
A methodology for sensitivity analysis of maintenance and reliability models
Baker presented a methodology for sensitivity analysis of models that had been fitted...
Detection of incipient gear failures using statistical techniques
Gears are important components in most power transmission mechanisms. Failures of...
Optimization procedures for simultaneous road rehabilitation and bridge replacement decisions in highway networks
A road–bridge rehabilitation model is formulated as a mixed non-linear...
Joint economic selection of target mean and variance
This paper considers the problem of selecting the most economical target mean and...
Production planning optimization with physical programming
This paper proposes an optimization-based model for production planning, and physical...
Capacity scheduling for data services over digital networks
In this paper we present the problem of scheduling the playout of data services over a...
Load balancing for redundant storage strategies: Multiprocessor scheduling with machine eligibility
An important cost issue in multimedia servers is disk load balancing, such that the...
Min–max subsequence problems in multi-zone disk recording
We study the problem of ordering a collection of n numbers such that the maximum sum...
Maximizing job benefits on-line
We consider a benefit model for on-line preemptive scheduling. In this model jobs...
Online real-time preemptive scheduling of jobs with deadlines on multiple machines
In this paper, we derive bounds on performance guarantees of online algorithms for...
Polynomial time approximation schemes for class-constrained packing problems
We consider variants of the classic bin packing and multiple knapsack problems, in...
Jitter regulation in an Internet router with delay constraint
To playback multimedia data smoothly via the world-wide Internet, jitter, the...
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