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On an M/G/1 quorum queueing system under T-policy
Tadj L.
We study in this paper an M/G/1 quorum queueing system under T-policy. First, we...
Cost analysis of the unloader queueing system with a single unloader subject to breakdowns
Wang K.-H.
In this paper, we deal with an unloader queueing in which N identical trailers are...
Scheduling pre-printed newspaper advertising inserts using genetic algorithms
Ragsdale Cliff T.
In recent years, the use of pre-printed advertising inserts in newspapers has...
Operation-based flowtime estimation in a dynamic job shop
Sabuncuoglu I.
In the scheduling literature, estimation of job flowtimes has been an important issue...
Workforce cross-training decisions in field service systems with two job types
Agnihothri S.R.
When job types are heterogeneous in a multi-server service system, pooling servers to...
Performance metrics in supply chain management
Kleijnen J.P.C.
The survey paper starts with a critical analysis of various performance metrics for...
The idea of emergent property
Georgiou I.
Those who venture into systems thinking may find difficulties in identifying exactly...
A column generation approach for the timetabling problem of Greek high schools
Housos E.
A column generation (CG) approach for the solution of timetabling problems is...
Exact and heuristic methods for a full-load, multi-terminal, vehicle scheduling problem with backhauling and time windows
Salhi S.
The problem considered is the full-load pickup and delivery problem with time windows...
An investigation into a new class of vehicle routing problem with backhauls
Salhi S.
A new version of the vehicle routing problem with backhauls is presented. In this new...
Analyzing the trade-off between investing in service channels and satisfying the targeted user service for Brazilian internet service providers
Morabito Reinaldo
The computer connection to the Internet is provided by firms known as internet service...
A genetic algorithm approach on tree-like telecommunication network design problem
Gen M.
In the context of telecommunications networks, the networks terminals involve certain...
Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring
Stepanova M.
In this paper, we study the performance of various state-of-the-art classification...
Adjusting financial ratios: A Bayesian analysis of the Spanish manufacturing sector
Jimnez Fernando
In this paper, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical model based on the partial...
Scheduling hospital services: The efficacy of elective-surgery quotas
Horowitz Ira
We take advantage of the advance-scheduling property for elective surgeries by...
A self-stabilizing algorithm for the shortest path problem in a distributed system
Huang Tetz C.
In this paper, we propose a self-stabilizing algorithm for finding shortest paths in a...
Using system dynamics to analyse disruption and delay in complex projects for litigation: Can the modelling purposes be met?
Howick S.
System dynamics (SD) is a modelling approach that has been used to analyse disruption...
A new measure of irregularity of distribution and quasi-Monte Carlo methods for global optimization
Wang Xiaoqun
Measures of irregularity of distribution, such as discrepancy and dispersion, play a...
Loans, ordering and shortage costs in start-ups: A dynamic stochastic decision approach
Thomas L.C.
Start-up companies are a vital ingredient in the success of a globalised networked...
Adaptive random search in quasi-Monte Carlo methods for global optimization
Lei Guiyuan
Quasi-Monte Carlo random search is useful in nondifferentiable optimization. Borrowing...
Global optimization in problems with uncertainties: The gamma algorithm
Galperin E.A.
Problems with uncertainties can be viewed and formalized making use of multifunctions...
The balance space approach in optimization with Riesz spaces valued objectives. An application to financial markets
Balbs A.
The balance set approach, is developed for optimization problems with objective...
Subdivision, sampling, and initialization strategies for simplical branch and bound in global optimization
Clausen J.
We consider the problem of optimizing a Lipschitzian function. The branch and bound...
The dynamic-Q optimization method: An alternative to Sequential Qudratic Programming
Snyman J.A.
In this paper, a constrained optimization method, called the Dynamic-Q method, is...
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