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Found 17295 papers in total
Two-machine flowshop minimum-length scheduling problem with random and bounded processing times
We address the two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize makespan where jobs...
Algorithms for parallel machine scheduling: a case study of the tracking and data relay satellite system
This paper presents two algorithms for scheduling a set of jobs with multiple...
A dispatching rule-based approach to production scheduling in a printed circuit board manufacturing system
This paper focuses on a production-scheduling problem in a printed circuit board (PCB)...
A branch-and-bound-based local search method for the flow shop problem
It is well-known that exact branch and bound methods can only solve small or...
Scheduling space-sharing for internet advertising
This paper provides the first in-depth study of the algorithmic questions involved in...
The power of α-points in preemptive single machine scheduling
We consider the NP-hard preemptive single-machine scheduling problem to minimize the...
On scheduling cycle shops: classification, complexity and approximation
This paper considers problems of finding non-periodic and periodic schedules in a...
A new dynamic look-ahead scheduling procedure for batching machines
The management of batching machines has raised a wide interest among researchers and...
Geometrical heuristics for multiprocessor flowshop scheduling with uniform machines at each stage
We consider the multi-stage multiprocessor flowshop scheduling problem with uniform...
Concurrent operations can be parallelized in scheduling multiprocessor job shop
We consider the multiprocessor job shop scheduling problem (JSP) with unrelated...
A modified shifting bottleneck heuristic for minimizing total weighted tardiness in complex job shops
Increases in the demand for integrated circuits have highlighted the importance of...
Approximation algorithms for shop scheduling problems with minsum objective
We consider a general class of multiprocessor shop scheduling problems, preemptive or...
The complexity of cyclic shop scheduling problems
We consider scheduling problems for shops in which a job set is manufactured...
Minimizing makespan on parallel machines subject to release dates and delivery times
We consider the problem of minimizing the makespan on identical parallel machines...
Unconstrained static scheduling with communication weights
In this paper, we present some new theoretical results for unconstrained static...
A standard task graph set for fair evaluation of multiprocessor scheduling algorithms
A ‘standard task graph set’ is proposed for fair evaluation of...
Robust scheduling of metaprograms
Scheduling coarse-grain tasks, e.g. metaprograms on a grid, uses estimation of the...
Using Cpk index with fuzzy numbers to evaluate service quality
Service quality is measured by customers' satisfaction. Traditionally, the degree of...
Interactive selection model for supplier selection process: an analytical hierarchy process approach
Supplier Selection Process becomes increasingly important for most manufacturing firms...
Synchronization in supply chains: implications for design and management
Supply chain management literature calls for coordination between the different...
A genetic algorithm for a university weekly courses timetabling problem
The timetabling problem is concerned with the allocation, subject to constraints, of...
Complexity of some special types of timetabling problems
Starting from the simple class–teacher model of timetabling (where timetables...
A reactive tabu search meta-heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with back-hauls
The vehicle routing problem with back-hauls involves the design of a set of minimum...
Applying intelligent agents technology in a collaborative work environment
The current state of the art in computer-mediated collaborative work is mainly limited...
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