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Found 17295 papers in total
The double role of the weight factor in the goal programming model
In Goal Programming model, the best solution is established in such a way that the sum...
Context-dependent data envelopment analysis – Measuring attractiveness and progress
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology for identifying the efficient...
Performance measurement with classification information: an enhanced additive data envelopment analysis model
This paper presents an improved measurement tool for evaluating performance of...
A column generation approach to the coalition formation problem in multi-agent systems
The goal of this paper is to provide a computational study of the coalition formation...
An extended study of the K-means algorithm for data clustering and its applications
The K-means algorithm has been a widely applied clustering technique, especially in...
The efficacy of using judgmental versus quantitative forecasting methods in practice
In an era where forecasts drive entire supply chains forecasting is seen as an...
Obituary: C. West Churchman, 1913–2004
C(harles) West Churchman , the grand old man of the ‘systems approach’,...
Hermeneutics, information and representation
By drawing from semiology, epistemology and philosophical hermeneutics, we discuss the...
Can Thomas Kuhn's paradigms help us understand software engineering?
Recent articles in EJIS have discussed whether or not Information Systems is a...
Possibilities for cross-fertilization between interpretive approaches and other methods for analyzing information systems
This paper explores possibilities for cross-fertilization between interpretive...
Contemporary OR/MS in strategy development and policy-making: some reflections
It is now widely accepted that strategy-making and policy development require both...
The controlled estimation method in the multiobjective linear fractional problem
This paper introduces a new method to estimate the weakly efficient set for the...
An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (I)
In this work we study the duality for a general multiobjective optimization problem....
On the economic tender quantity
De Boer, van Dijkhuizen and Telgen (BDT) proposed the economic tender quantity (ETQ)...
An analysis of some dual problems in multiobjective optimization (II)
In the first part of this study we introduced six different multiobjective dual...
An entropic regularization approach for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
A new smoothing approach based on entropic regularization is proposed for solving a...
Potential of critical e-applications for engaging small and medium enterprises in e-business: a provider perspective
Against a background of the low engagement of small and medium-sized enterprises...
How organizations adopt information system process innovations: a longitudinal analysis
This paper describes how three organizations adopted information system (IS) process...
Computer-mediated knowledge sharing and individual user differences: an exploratory study
Prior research has shown that individual differences in users' cognitive style and...
Action-oriented conceptual modelling
The aim of this paper is to show how speech act theory can be used in systems...
Configuring peer-to-peer software: an empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software
The emergence of new digital media has led to new sources and locations of power, and...
Broadband development in South Korea: institutional and cultural factors
This paper is about the broadband development in South Korea (henceforth Korea). Korea...
Technological switchbacks: the transition to Western information systems in privatised firms of the former East Germany
The work of this paper centres on a study of business organisations of the former...
Organizational determinants of IT adoption in the pharmaceutical distribution sector
The aim of this paper is to propose new organizational factors that might explain the...
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