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Evaluation of the university libraries in Taiwan: total measure versus ratio measure
Kao C.
This paper discusses the evaluation of university libraries from two standpoints,...
Using Data Envelopment Analysis and simulation in guiding operating units to improved performance
Greasley A.
The potential for the use of DEA and simulation in a mutually supporting role in...
Credit cards scoring with quadratic utility functions
Konno Hiroshi
The paper considers a general approach for classifying objects using mathematical...
CCAS (Credit Card Assessment System): an intelligent decision support system for credit card assessment
Matsatsinis Nikolaos F.
During the last two decades credit cards have became one of the main ways for...
Decision-making support system for human resource allocation in product development projects
Yoshimura M.
Recent dismal economic conditions and a ruthlessly competitive environment have forced...
Multi-criteria evaluation of loan applications in shipping
Dimitras Augustinos I.
The development of the shipping industry has been traditionally based on bank loans....
Learning and forgetting-based worker selection for tasks of varying complexity
Nembhard D.A.
This paper presents an approach for selecting workers for tasks of varying complexity...
Weight approximations in multi-attribute decision models
Goodwin Paul
The use of surrogate weights based on rankings has been proposed as a method for...
Multi-objective allocation of multi-function workers with lower bounded capacity
Corominas A.
This paper deals with the assignment of a type of task to each member of a...
Towards statistical multicriteria decision modelling: a first approach
Springael Johan
Many real life situations result from decisions taken by a very large number of...
Strategic aspirations for net-enabled business
Kettinger William J.
The net-enabled business innovation cycle model describes a path by which firms employ...
Attribute-based differentiation of alternatives
Keisler Jeffrey M.
An intermediate step is introduced to the dialogue decision process for decision...
An investigation of the role of scale values in the Dempster–Shafer analytic hierarchy process method of multi-criteria decision making
Beynon Malcolm J.
DS/AHP is a method of multi-criteria decision making based on the...
A generalised integral quadratic method: improvement of the solution for one dimensional Volterra integral equation using particle swarm optimisation
Zerarka A.
In a previous work, we have introduced the generalised integral quadratic method (GIQ)...
ANTBAL: an ant colony optimization algorithm for balancing mixed-model assembly lines with parallel workstations
Vilarinho P.M.
This paper presents ANTBAL, an ant colony optimization algorithm for balancing...
Model for cost estimation in a finite-capacity environment
Shtub A.
Cost estimation is a practical problem that has attracted the attention of many...
Zones formation algorithm in tandem automated guided vehicle systems: a comparative study
Shalaby M.A.
In tandem automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems, the shop floor is divided into a...
A polynomially searchable exponential neighbourhood for graph colouring
Glass C.A.
In this paper, we develop a new graph colouring strategy. Our heuristic is an example...
Operational level-based policies in production rate control of unreliable manufacturing systems with set-ups
Gharbi A.
This paper deals with the control of the production rates and set-up actions of an...
Solving the generalized minimum spanning tree problem by a branch-and-bound algorithm
Dror M.
We present an exact algorithm for solving the generalized minimum spanning tree...
Guided genetic algorithms for solving a larger constraint assembly problem
Tseng H.-E.
Assembly planning calls for the subtle consideration of certain limitation factors...
Multilevel graph partitioning: an evolutionary approach
Polat F.
The graph partitioning problem is defined as that of dividing the vertices of an...
Minimizing the cycle time in serial manufacturing systems with multiple dual-gripper robots
Galante G.
Robots are being used more and more extensively as material-handling systems for...
Status quo analysis in the graph model for conflict resolution
Kilgour D.M.
The graph model for conflict resolution, an analysis paradigm for strategic conflicts,...
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