Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Data envelopment analysis of integer-valued inputs and outputs
This paper addresses DEA scenarios whose inputs and outputs are naturally restricted...
Data mining in an engineering design environment: OR applications from graph matching
Data mining has been making inroads into the engineering design environment – an...
Random effects logistic regression model for ranking efficiency in data envelopment analysis
Ranking efficiency based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) results can be used for...
Resolving a strange case of efficiency
In a recent paper in the Journal of the Operational Research Society , Tone proposes...
Mining market data: A network approach
We consider a network representation of the stock market data referred to as the...
A divide-and-conquer local search heuristic for data visualization
Data visualization techniques have become important tools for analyzing large...
Optimization-based feature selection with adaptive instance sampling
Preprocessing the data to filter out redundant and irrelevant features is one of the...
Evaluating the performance of cost-based discretization versus entropy- and error-based discretization
Discretization is defined as the process that divides continuous numeric values into...
A data mining–constraint satisfaction optimization problem for cost effective classification
We propose a data mining–constraint satisfaction optimization problem...
Credit scoring applied to mortgages – ROC and Role!
The application of credit scoring technologies to loan decision making is well...
Effects of the neural network s-Sigmoid function on Knowledge Discovery of Databases in the presence of imprecise data
This research explores a specific step in the Knowledge Discovery of Databases (KDD)...
Diversification for better classification trees
Classification trees are widely used in the data mining community. Typically, trees...
Automatic identification of spatial defect patterns for semiconductor manufacturing
This research proposes an on-line diagnosis system based on denoising and clustering...
Some evidence on forecasting time-series with support vector machines
The importance of predicting future values of a time-series transcends a range of...
A hybrid setup for a hybrid scenario: combining heuristics for the home health care problem
Home health care, i.e. visiting and nursing patients in their homes, is a growing...
Comparison of ARIMA, neural networks and hybrid models in time series: tourist arrival forecasting
For time series forecasting, different artificial neural network (ANN) and hybrid...
Past, present and future of problem structuring methods
To be able to exploit the future opportunities for Operational Research (OR), we need...
The history and ideas of pragmatism
This paper examines the origins of philosophical pragmatism in the USA in the second...
‘A festering sore’: the issue of professionalism in the history of the Operational Research Society
An essential component of the history of Operational Research (OR) in Britain is the...
Forty years of discrete-event simulation – a personal reflection
Discrete-event simulation first emerged in the late 1950s and it has grown in...
Improving the cost-effectiveness of Chlamydia screening with targeted screening strategies
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the UK and constitutes...
AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends
The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence...
Modelling treatment effects in the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Advances in recent treatments for HIV/AIDS patients have shown dramatic outcomes in...
OR and the challenge to improve the British National Health Service: modelling for insight and improvement in in-patient flows
This paper considers efforts to improve in-patient flows, a particularly urgent issue...
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