Country: Germany

Found 3096 papers in total
Analytical properties of the central path at boundary point in linear programming
We study the properties of the weighted central paths in linear programming. We...
On a new approach to the analysis of complex multi-armed bandits
A radically new approach to indexable systems pioneered by Bertsimas and...
The role of linear objective functions in barrier methods
We consider the asymptotic behavior of the Newton/log barrier method for inequality...
On a homogeneous algorithm for the monotone complementarity problem
We present a generalization of a homogeneous self-dual linear programming (LP)...
Nonsmooth analysis of eigenvalues
The eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix depend on the matrix nonsmoothly. This paper...
Intersection theorems on polytopes
Intersection theorems are used to prove the existence of solutions to mathematical...
Polynomiality of primal–dual algorithms for semidefinite linear complementarity problems based on the Kojima–Shindoh–Hara family of directions
Kojima, Shindoh and Hara proposed a family of search directions for the semidefinite...
Shallow, deep and very deep cuts in the analytic center cutting plane method
The analytic center cutting plane (ACCPM) methods aims to solve nondifferentiable...
Characterization of the smoothness and curvature of a marginal function for a trust-region problem
This paper studies the smoothness and curvature of a marginal function for a...
Asymptotic constraint qualifications and global error bounds for convex inequalities
In this paper we study various asymptotic constraint qualifications for the existence...
Properties of the Moreau–Yosida regularization of a piecewise C2 convex function
In this paper we discuss second-order properties of the Moreau–Yosida...
Sample-path solution of stochastic variational inequalities
Sample-path optimization is a simulation-based method for solving optimization...
Optimal control of batch service queues with compound Poisson arrivals and finite service capacity
We consider the optimal control problem of an M X /G(Q)/1 batch service queueing...
Dual conditions characterizing optimality for convex multi-objective programs
Asymptotic necessary and sufficient conditions for a point to be a Pareto minimum, and...
Optimal scheduling in heterogeneous two-station queueing networks
We consider a two-station network with two types of jobs: type 0 jobs require service...
Equivalents of an approximate variational principle for vector-valued functions and applications
In an earlier paper, we gave a unified variational principle for vector valued...
Nonlinear programming algorithms using trust regions and augmented Lagrangians with nonmonotone penality parameters
A model algorithm based on the successive quadratic programming method for solving the...
Infeasible-start primal–dual methods and infeasibility detectors for nonlinear programming problems
In this paper we present several ‘infeasible-start’ path-following and...
Metric regularity and quantitative stability in stochastic programs with probabilistic constraints
Introducing probabilistic constraints leads in general to nonconvex, nonsmooth or even...
Approximating quadratic programming with bound and quadratic constraints
We consider the problem of approximating the global maximum of a quadratic program...
Quality of group decisions
This article develops a model for calculating the quality of group decisions judged by...
Fuzzy retrieval in case-based decision support systems
This paper describes a technique which determines suitable product offers from data...
On the impact of an event
Given an information structure, a function that measures how the inferences made by...
Mixing weighted values on non-atomic games
Weighted values of non-atomic games were introduced by Hart and Monderer. They study...
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