Equivalents of an approximate variational principle for vector-valued functions and applications

Equivalents of an approximate variational principle for vector-valued functions and applications

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Article ID: iaor20001155
Country: Germany
Volume: 49
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 125
End Page Number: 136
Publication Date: Jan 1999
Journal: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg)
Authors: , ,

In an earlier paper, we gave a unified variational principle for vector valued functions. In this paper, we give four equivalents of a corollary of this principle, generalizing equivalence results to the vector case. We also applied one of the equivalents to derive the vector form of the ‘Drop Theorem’. Applying the unified variational principle, we obtained a fixed point theorem for directional contractions as an application of our vector variational principle, generalizing a fixed point theorem for directional contractions.


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