Country: Germany

Found 3096 papers in total
Stabilizing management of fluctuating resources
The authors consider a resource management problem in which the management objective...
A three-dimensional bin packing algorithm
In this paper an approximation algorithm for the three-dimensional bin packing problem...
On the combinatorial structure of the permutation flow shop problem
The paper investigates the combinatorial structure of the n/m/P/C max permutation flow...
A method to determine oligopolistic market equilibria based on a convex optimization formulation
An approach to determine oligopolistic market equilibria using a sequence of...
On probabilistic scheduling period inventory system for deteriorating items with instantaneous demand
A probabilistic scheduling period inventory system is considered for items that...
Batch scheduling on parallel units in acrylic-glass production
The cast-plate-method of manufacturing acrylic-glass gives raise to a batch scheduling...
On duality in the vectorial control-approximation problem
The paper formulates vectorial dual problems for a certain class of vectorial...
Management of food-chain systems via Liapunov design control
A general food-chain system involving control is considered. A Liapunov design...
Solution of a silent duel under general assumptions
In the paper a silent duel is considered in which the players have one bullet each and...
Some further relations between unperturbational and perturbational dual optimization problems
The paper introduces and studies two new concepts of ‘the perturbational dual...
The marginal value formula in input optimization
The derivative of the optimal value function is obtained for perturbations over...
Convergence rate for regularized barrier function methods
In this paper the regularized variants of barrier function methods are discussed....
Linear programming by minimizing distances
To solve the linear program (LP): minimize c T l subject to Al+b≥0, for an...
The continuous complementarity problem
The authors introduce a type of complementarity problems posed over a measure space....
Super efficiency in convex vector optimization
The authors establish a Lagrange Multiplier Theorem for super efficient in convex...
Optimization over the efficient set using an active constraint approach
In this work the problem of maximizing a nonlinear objective over the set of efficient...
Approximation of the efficient point set by perturbation of the ordering cone
A vector optimization problem is given by a feasible set Z⊆ℝ n , a...
Characterizations of efficient solutions under polyhedrality assumptions
The paper gives several characterizations of efficient solutions of subsets of R p...
On necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for multicriterial optimization problems
In this paper, first order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are derived...
Generalization and sharpening of some duality relations for a class of vector optimization problems
The authors consider a class of vector optimization problems with linear restrictions...
A result on sets, with applications to vector optimization
In this paper there is stated a result on sets in ordered linear spaces which can be...
A characterization of network representable polymatroids
Meggido showed that the maximum flow through sets of sources in a multiple sink flow...
Necessary optimality conditions with a modified subdifferential
The concepts of the τ -subgradient and τ- subdifferential are introduced for...
Characterization of nonsmooth functions through their generalized gradients
Given a real-valued Lipschitz function, the authors explore properties of its...
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