Country: Brazil

Found 369 papers in total
Optimization of entropy: computational implementation of the principles MinxEnt and MaxEn
The entropy optimization principles MaxEnt of Jaynes and MinxEnt of Kullback can be...
Exact methods based on Lagrangian relaxations and surrogate for the problem of loading pallets of the producer
In this paper we present exact methods, based on Lagrangean and surrogate relaxations,...
Experiments with mixture for optimization of processes: an application with non-normal answers
In this article a methodology for the design of mixture experiments is presented,...
A constructive algorithm based on an algebraic approach of the allocation quadratic problem
The Quadratic Assignment Problem, QAP, was studied using an algebraic approach through...
Lagrangean relaxation bounds for point-feature cartographic label placement problem
The objective of the point-feature cartographic label placement problem (PFCLP) is to...
Efficient polynomial algorithms for special cases of weighted early/tardy scheduling with release dates and a common due date
In this paper we consider a single machine scheduling problem with integer release...
Practical comparison of approximation algorithms for scheduling problems
In this paper we consider an experimental study of approximation algorithms for...
An exact algorithm for the problem of scheduling of projects with cost of availability of resources and multiple modes
In this paper we propose an exact algorithm to generate tradeoff curves between cost...
Analysis of the authors' rights collection frontier using PCA-MDEA: an application to the Valencia region
The aim of this paper is to estimate the authors' rights collection frontier within...
Computations in data envelopment analysis
DEA is a well-established, widely used, and powerful analytical resource in the...
Construction of a smoothed data envelopment analysis frontier
It is known that the DEA multipliers model does not allow a unique solution for the...
Data envelopment analysis of randomized ranks
Probabilities and odds, derived from vectors of ranks, are here compared as measures...
Algorithm for allocation of discrete resources with data envelopment analysis
The resource allocation is one of the main problems in Operational Research. The use...
The dispersed search algorithm applied to traditional problem of vehicles routing
In this paper we present a Scatter Search algorithm designed for the solution of the...
Bayesian assessment of the variability of reliability measures
Population variability analysis, also known as the first stage in two-stage Bayesian...
Operational research: a multidisciplinary field
This paper is focusing on the following question: What is Operational Research...
Allotment of aircraft spare parts using genetic alorithms
In this paper we attempt to determine the optimal allocation of aircraft parts used as...
Control online for attributes of misclassiflcation: an economic approach with repeated classifications
The procedure to control on-line processes for attributes proposed by Taguchi et al....
Implementing an integrative negotiation mechanism: challenges and results
This article illustrates an experiment in formalization, using programming language,...
Top-down or bottom-up forecasting
The operations literature continues on inconclusive as to the most appropriate sales...
Randomization and composition of measures of preference
Models for preferences, established through the ranking of the options according to...
Interactive simulated annealing for solving imprecise discrete multiattribute problems under risk
We consider the multiattribute decision-making problem under risk with partial...
Analytical modeling applied to negotiation and group decision
Trying to reach a consensus in a negotiation or decision process can be a very complex...
Productivity growth and technological progress in the Brazilian agricultural sector
Starting in the 1970s, the Brazilian agricultural sector has experienced an important...
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