Thompson Gary M.

Gary M. Thompson

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Found 15 papers in total
Restaurant revenue management at Chevys: determining the best table mix
Revenue management has been used in a variety of industries and generally takes the...
Variable employee productivity in workforce scheduling
This paper considers the problem of developing workforce schedules using groups of...
An evaluation of heuristic methods for determining the best table mix in full-service restaurants
Little research has been done on the optimal mix of supply in service businesses that...
A comparison of heuristics for assigning individual employees to labor tour schedules
The labor tour scheduling literature has focused on the development of schedules, and...
SchedulExpert: Scheduling courses in the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration
A major curriculum review in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University...
Effective design of products/services: An approach based on integration of marketing and operations management decisions
This paper presents an integrated framework for designing profit-maximizing...
A morphing procedure to supplement a simulated annealing heuristic for cost- and coverage-correlated set-covering problems
We report on the use of a morphing procedure in a simulated annealing (SA) heuristic...
Labor staffing and scheduling models for controlling service levels
The problems of labor staffing and scheduling have received substantial attention in...
Assigning telephone operators to shifts at New Brunswick Telephone Company
I developed a procedure for assigning telephone operators to shifts at New Brunswick...
A simulated-annealing heuristic for shift scheduling using non-continuously available employees
This paper presents a simulated-annealing heuristic (SAH) for developing shift...
Improved implicit optimal modeling of the labor shift scheduling problem
This paper presents an integer programming model for developing optimal shift...
Labor scheduling using NPV estimates of the marginal benefit of additional labor capacity
An extensive literature exists on the problems of daily (shift) and weekly (tour)...
Optimal scheduling of a flexible-duration rest period for a work group
All previous modeling research involving optimization of performance associated with...
Accounting for the multi-period impact of service when determining employee requirements for labor scheduling
Providing good customer service, inexpensively, is a problem commonly faced by...
Shift scheduling in services when employees have limited availability: An LP approach
This paper compares two linear programming (LP) models to shift scheduling in services...
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