Cheng T.C. Edwin

T.C. Edwin Cheng

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Found 82 papers in total
On scheduling an unbounded batch machine
A batch machine is a machine that can process up to c jobs simultaneously as a batch,...
Approximability of two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling with availability constraints
We consider in this paper the two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problem in which...
Scheduling start time dependent jobs to minimize the total weighted completion time
This paper deals with a single machine scheduling problem with start time dependent...
A note on the complexity of family scheduling to minimize the number of late jobs
The single-machine family scheduling problem of minimizing the number of late jobs has...
Minimizing weighted number of early and tardy jobs with a common due window involving location penalty
This paper studies a single machine scheduling problem to minimize the weighted number...
Single supplier scheduling for multiple deliveries
The problem of scheduling the production and delivery of a supplier to feed the...
Modelling the benefits of information sharing-based partnerships in a two-level supply chain
This paper presents a study aimed at quantifying the benefits of information...
Single machine scheduling with step-deteriorating processing times
We study in this paper a scheduling model in which each task has a normal processing...
Single machine batch scheduling with resource dependent setup and processing times
Jobs are processed by a single machine in batches. A batch is a set of jobs processed...
Scheduling the fabrication and assembly of components in a two-machine flowshop
In this paper we study the problem of scheduling the fabrication and assembly of...
Due-date determination with resequencing
Traditional scheduling and due-date determination models assume that the production...
Single machine scheduling with learning effect considerations
In this paper we study a single machine scheduling problem in which the job processing...
An approximation algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with a common server
In this paper we study the scheduling of a given set of jobs on several identical...
Batch scheduling in the no-wait two-machine flowshop to minimize the makespan
We consider a scheduling problem where a set of jobs are simultaneously available for...
Two and three stage flowshop scheduling with no wait in process
In this paper we study the time complexities of some two- and three-stage no-wait...
Parallel machine batching and scheduling with deadlines
In this paper, we study the problem of scheduling n independent jobs non-preemptively...
Single-machine scheduling with a common due window
We study several single-machine non-preemptive scheduling problems to minimize the sum...
Parallel machine scheduling with batch delivery costs
We consider a scheduling problem in which n independent and simultaneously available...
A review of flowshop scheduling research with setup times
Flowshop scheduling problems with setup times arise naturally in many practical...
Proportionate flow shop with controllable processing times
This paper considers a special class of flow-shop problems, known as the proportionate...
One-operator–two-machine flowshop scheduling with setup and dismounting times
In this paper we study the problem of scheduling n jobs in a...
The time dependent machine makespan problem is strongly NP-complete
The computational complexity of the problem of scheduling a set of start-time...
Single-machine scheduling with controllable processing times and earliness, tardiness and completion time penalties
The paper considers the problem of scheduling n independent and simultaneously...
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