Zhang J.

J. Zhang

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Found 19 papers in total
UMTS base station location planning: A mathematical model and heuristic optimisation algorithms
Radio networks of universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) need accurate...
Multiagent-based modeling for re-entrant manufacturing system
Re-entrant flow manufacturing system is a typical mix of different process types,...
Demand and production management with uniform guaranteed lead time
Recently, innovation-oriented firms have been competing along dimensions other than...
Tabu search embedded simulated annealing for the shortest route cut and fill problem
The shortest route cut and fill problem proposed by Henderson et al. is studied in...
Neural network model-based on-line re-optimisation control of fed-batch processes using a modified iterative dynamic programming algorithm
A strategy to overcome the problems of unknown disturbances and model-plant mismatches...
A new trust region method for nonlinear equations
In this paper, a new trust region method for the system of non-linear equations is...
An improved rounding method and semidefinite programming relaxation for graph partition
Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with |V| = n and an integer k...
Global s-type error bound for the extended linear complementarity problem and applications
For the extended linear complementarity problem over an affine subspace, we first...
Inverse maximum capacity problems
Let E be a finite set, ℱ be a family of subsets of E and &Cmacr; be a capacity...
Inverse problem of minimum cuts
Given a network N = ( V,A,c ), a source s ∈ V , a sink t ∈ V and some s...
Towards computer support of the soft systems methodology: An evaluation of the functionality and usability of an SSM toolkit
In recent years a number of research projects have investigated computer support of...
Interval graph problems on reconfigurable meshes
A graph G is an interval graph if there is a one–one correspondence between its...
Generalized dual to the monotone nonlinear complementarity problem
It was recently shown that duality between the nonlinear programming problem...
Higher order duality and matrix game equivalence
Certain well known results on matrix games and linear programming duality are extended...
On the inverse problem of minimum spanning tree with partition constraints
In this paper the authors first discuss the properties of minimum spanning tree and...
Nonlinear programming with strong pseudo-invex constraints
Duality results are established for the nonlinear programming problem with generalized...
The maximum collection problem with time-dependent rewards
The authors consider a routing problem where the objective is to maximize the sum of...
A column generation method for inverse shortest path problems
In this paper the authors formulate an inverse shortest path problem as a special...
Application of simulation and Petri net modelling in manufacturing control systems
In this paper, simulation in conjunction with Petri net modelling will be used to...
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