Baveja Alok

Alok Baveja

Information about the author Alok Baveja will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
Solving machine-loading problem of a flexible manufacturing system with constraint-based genetic algorithm
Machine-loading problem of a flexible manufacturing system is known for its...
A data-driven software tool for enabling cooperative information sharing among police departments
Police departments utilize information technology for combating crime, however, mostly...
Divide and conquer: Rohm and Haas' response to a changing specialty chemicals market
Rohm and Haas is caught between giant raw-material suppliers and powerful retailers at...
The stochastic queue center problem
This paper considers the Stochastic Queue Center problem, which seeks to locate a...
Scheduling crackdowns on illicit drug markets
This paper presents an analytical approach for scheduling crackdowns on street-corner...
Implementing Larson and Sadiq’s location model in a geographic information system
Larson and Sadiq developed and analyzed a model for locating facilities on a Manhattan...
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