Mousseau Vincent

Vincent Mousseau

Information about the author Vincent Mousseau will soon be added to the site.
Found 13 papers in total
Assessing the Performance of a Classification-Based Vulnerability Analysis Model
In this article, a classification model based on the majority rule sorting...
Learning criteria weights of an optimistic Electre Tri sorting rule
Multiple criteria sorting methods assign alternatives to predefined ordered categories...
Robust ordinal regression for multiple criteria group decision: UTAGMS‐GROUP and UTADISGMS‐GROUP
We introduce the principle of robust ordinal regression to multiple criteria group...
ELECTREGKMS: Robust ordinal regression for outranking methods
We present a new method, called ELECTRE GKMS , which employs robust ordinal regression...
Multiple criteria districting problems – The public transportation network pricing system of the Paris region
Districting problems are of high importance in many different fields. Multiple...
IRIS: a DSS for multiple criteria sorting problems
This paper presents Interactive Robustness analysis and parameters' Inference for...
Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples
When considering Electre's valued outranking relations, aggregation/disaggregation...
Resolving inconsistencies among constraints on the parameters of a multiple criteria decision analysis model
We consider a framework where decision makers (DMs) interactively define a...
Using assignment examples to infer category limits for the ELECTRE TRI method
Given a finite set of alternatives, the sorting (or assignment) problem consists in...
An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI
ELECTRE TRI is a well-known method to assign a set of alternatives to a set of...
A theoretical framework for analysing the notion of relative importance of criteria
Multiple-criteria decision aid almost always requires the use of weights, importance...
Taking formally into account the notion of relative importance of criteria in multicriteria decision aid
This paper attempts to clarify what the notion of a criterion’s importance or...
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