Lamond Bernard F.

Bernard F. Lamond

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Found 12 papers in total
Stochastic optimization of a hydroelectric reservoir using piecewise polynomial approximations
We propose a method for optimizing a single hydro-electric reservoir using a piecewise...
A multiple criteria ranking procedure based on distance between partial preorders
In this paper, a multiple criteria ranking procedure based on distance between partial...
Heuristics for determining economic processing rates in a flexible manufacturing system
In this paper, models are presented for determining economic processing speeds and...
The Québec Ministry of Natural Resources uses linear programming to understand the wood-fiber market
In spring 1996, Québec's Ministry of Natural Resources began using a...
Numerical experiments on discretization of the random inflow to a nonseasonal reservoir
We performed a series of numerical experiments in order to study the effect of...
Using tool life models to minimize processing time on a flexible machine
Economic tool life models are presented for machines with finite capacity tool...
Lower bounding aggregation and direct computation for an infinite horizon one-reservoir model
We present a specialized policy iteration method for the computation of optimal and...
Piecewise affine approximations for the control of a one-reservoir hydroelectric system
We analyze the computation of optimal and approximately optimal policies for a...
Exact and approximate solutions of affine reservoir models
We formulate an optimization model of a multiple reservoir water resource system that...
A reservoir hydroelectric system: Exactly and approximately optimal policies
We analyze a discrete-time model of a single reservoir whose discharges generate...
Optimizing long-term hydro-power production using Markov decision processes
Modelling the long-term operation of hydroelectric systems is one of the classic...
A generalized inverse method for asymptotic linear programming
Consider a linear program in which the entries of the coefficient matrix vary linearly...
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