Heuristics for determining economic processing rates in a flexible manufacturing system

Heuristics for determining economic processing rates in a flexible manufacturing system

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Article ID: iaor20013846
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 129
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 105
End Page Number: 115
Publication Date: Feb 2001
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: heuristics

In this paper, models are presented for determining economic processing speeds and tool loading to minimize the makespan required to produce a given set of parts in a flexible manufacturing system. Using Taylor's tool life equation, models for determining the optimal processing speeds and the tools to be loaded into finite capacity machine magazines are formulated to minimize the maximum processing time in the system. These problems are evaluated for computational complexity, and several heuristics for obtaining good feasible solutions to the problem are discussed. The quality of the solutions obtained using these heuristics is evaluated by computational experiments against lower bounds established by either relaxations or optimal solutions when possible.


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