Abate Joseph

Joseph Abate

Information about the author Joseph Abate will soon be added to the site.
Found 18 papers in total
A unified framework for numerically inverting Laplace transforms
We introduce and investigate a framework for constructing algorithms to invert Laplace...
Explicit M/G/1 waiting-time distributions for a class of long-tail service-time distributions
O.J. Boxma and J.W. Cohen recently obtained an explicit expression for the M/G/1...
Computing Laplace transforms for numerical inversion via continued fractions
It is often possible to effectively calculate probability density functions (pdfs) and...
Exponential approximations for tail probabilities in queues. 2. Sojourn time and workload
We continue to focus on simple exponential approximations for steady-state tail...
Modeling service-time distributions with non-exponential tails: Beta mixtures of exponentials
Motivated by interest in probability density functions (pdfs) with nonexponential...
Infinite-series representations of Laplace transforms of probability density functions for numerical inversion
In order to numerically invert Laplace transforms to calculate probability density...
Calculating transient characteristics of the Erlang loss model by numerical transform inversion
We show how to compute the time-dependent blocking probability given an arbitrary...
On the Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms
The Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms is an old established...
Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms of probability distributions
We present a simple algorithm for numerically inverting Laplace transforms. The...
Limits and approximations for the M/G/1 LIFO waiting-time distribution
We provide additional descriptions of the steady-state waiting-time distribution in...
Exponential approximations for tail probabilities in queues, I: Waiting times
This paper focuses on simple exponential approximations for tail probabilities of the...
On the Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms
The Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms is an old established...
Calculating the M/G/1 busy-peiod density and LIFO waiting-time distribution by direct numerical transform inversion
It is well known that the M/G/1 busy-period density can be characterized by the...
An operational calculus for probability distributions via Laplace transforms
In this paper the authors investigate operators that map one or more probability...
A heavy-traffic expansion for asymptotic decay rates of tail probabilities in multichannel queues
The authors establish a heavy-traffc asymptotic expansion (in powers of one minus the...
Transient behavior of the M/G/1 workload process
In this paper the authors describe the time-dependent moments of the workload process...
Numerical inversion of probability generating functions
Random quantities of interest in operations research models can often be determined...
Solving probability transform functional equations for numerical inversion
Many methods for numerically inverting transforms require values of the transform at...
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