Szntai Tams

Tams Szntai

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Found 12 papers in total
Discovering a junction tree behind a Markov network by a greedy algorithm
In our paper (2012) we introduced a special kind of k −1‐width junction...
Computing bounds for the probability of the union of events by different methods
Let A 1 ,…, A n be arbitrary events. The underlying problem is to give lower...
Combinatorial results on the fitting problems of the multivariate gamma distribution introduced by Prékopa and Szántai
Generalizations of the results of an earlier paper of the second author, related to...
Hypergraphs as a mean of discovering the dependence structure of a discrete multivariate probability distribution
Most everyday reasoning and decision making is based on uncertain premises. The...
On numerical calculation of probabilities according to Dirichlet distribution
The main difficulty in numerical solution of probabilistic constrained stochastic...
New sampling techniques for calculation of Dirichlet probabilities
In this paper there will be described and compared several simulation algorithms for...
A new, stochastic programming model of PERT
In this paper we give a new, stochastic programming based solution method to the PERT...
Improved bounds and simulation procedures on the value of the multivariate normal probability distribution function
Improved bounds and simulation procedures on the value of the multivariate normal...
Probability bounds given by hypercherry trees
In the paper new bounds are given for the probability of the union of events. For this...
New bounds on the reliability of the consecutive k-out-of-r-from-n:F system
In this paper we give new lower and upper bounds on the failing probability or...
Optimization techniques for planning highway pavement (surface) improvements
In this paper, two different decision models for the planning of highway pavement...
Stochastic programming in water management: A case study and a comparison of solution techniques
The present stage of developments in stochastic programming gives already a good base...
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